
Immigration is already difficult, very true. I have a family member that immigrated from the UK-a male, government IT worker, with a US citizen wife of 5 years with a US/UK citizen child. The process took a couple of years. Many interviews, getting the child’s US citizenship first- which took multiple trips to London

That just means 8 rounds of them asking: “Are you a terrorist?”

But they’re “pouring over our border” by the millions, we don’t know who they are, where they are, and they’re slaughtering our daughters! Vetting? Steve Banyon says so. Just shut up!

We have poutine and beavertails!
And single payer healthcare!

(no you don’t just become a citizen when you marry a citizen)

Where I work was about to sponsor some Syrian refugees (a family of 5 with a 9 month baby) which has now been put on hold. Can you imagine the parents thinking you may have found safe harbor, to be told that your 9 month old was probably a terrorist so you can’t come in?

I believe there’s an article floating around somewhere about how Japanese American Immigrants were given a loyalty questionnaire that also had intentionally misleading/trickily worded questions meant to entrap people.

It seems like every 5th person I meet is somewhere in the Visa process (high tech area). Most of my friends have harrowing stories of the very long, very expensive process. A lot of the spouses can’t get work visas even if one person in the couple came for a job. So there are all these smart, highly educated people

A Syrian family that just completed all of the vetting was denied entry at the last moment (recently). Their sponsor was a Synagog.

Not to mention, given the immigration history of this country, I am willing to bet the majority of these Trump supporters came from refugee ancestors. This whole, “Let’s move to America. I bet it will be kooky fun,” is a recent idea. Before then it was more, “We are in a war torn country. The ruling class is trying to

A coworker of mine who supports Trump literally cited the internment camps as a precedent for what we’re doing now. Like, in a way that was to justify what Trump wants to do, rather than to say, “This was a terrible chapter in America’s history that must never be repeated.”

“What’s infuriating is that probably more than half of those 3/4's have their own family history with immigrating to the United States.”

Almost everyone did I’m afraid... Here in the UK anti-Jewish refugee attitudes got a healthy stoking from - of course - The Daily Mail.

The primary difference is that back then Lindbergh didn’t actually win the Presidency.

Tradition; the transmission of customs and beliefs from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, 3/4's of the people who voted for Trump don’t give a flying fuck about this. What’s infuriating is that probably more than half of those 3/4's have their own family history with immigrating to the United States. It’s maddening that we have such a big amount of fickle assholes who don’t give a fuck about

It wasn’t until after World War 2 that the United States got its “tradition” of accepting refugees from everywhere. Before that, we had quota systems, and they were quite racist. Even racist against whites not deemed “white enough.”

Interestingly, also a time when you might hear the slogan “America First”.