
Simply amazing. That is a very moving piece of music even divorced from the visuals of the film.

The score was quite good, which is unusual lately. So many of the various scores lately are just indistinct background mehs. Esp the superhero flicks.

Clearly, you are the life of the party.

Not bad for a guy who co-wrote Marilyn Manson’s last album. And toured with Manson as well.

Time is the fire in which we burn.

Klingon Zits and Firmer Tits! Should have been the tagline on the poster.

Insurrection was where Star Trek movies fell off a cliff. Nemesis was just the puff of dust at the bottom.

Both films are especially bad when you compare them to First Contact. It’s like in Insurrection they were trying to replicate that same tension and gravitas but had none of the personal stakes or danger. Then in Nemesis they realized where they screwed up and forced a bunch of terrible subplots on the characters and


Doesn’t even look or feel like a movie, but an extra long filler episode.

I’ve heard that Insurrection started out as a much more ambitious project, with a Heart of Darkness-style storyline about Picard hunting down a rogue Starfleet officer. But the studio and Rick Berman nixed it, believing it was too grim and anti-utopian, so eventually the story evolved into the crew saving the

Star Trek has always been the DC to Star Wars’s Marvel. They do the small screen wonderfully, but they just never seem to make the leap to big cleanly.

This. Insurrection was SHOCKINGLY bad on every level.

The movie where Picard decides to help the Space Amish defend their colonized magical healing planet because of the Finder’s Keeper’s Directive?

Patrick Stewart is an avid dune-buggy fan. No joke.

You left out the completely pointless dune buggy chase scene, with the stunt jump into the shuttle. It had nothing to do with the main story, but somebody in the cast wanted to drive dune buggies, I guess.

Came here to say this. That’s... quite a trajectory. A distillation, really. Take anything that was coherent and sensical about Goldwater, boil it away, and you’re reduced to Reagan. Take that and spin it down, and you’ve got a hard lump of stupid named George W. Bush. Take that and burn it in a crucible, and you’ve

First they came for the Eggos, and I cried not, “Leggo!”

a Goldwater-Reagan-George W. Bush girl