
Bill Clinton did not move toward dismantling the military. But that’s a canard that will not die.

“If raising the minimum wage fixed things, why do they keep having to raise it?”

1. Five days in and they are already signaling that these bans will never be lifted:

Thanks for the measured, intelligent response. I see what you’re saying about Trump’s economic nationalism perhaps being a calculated substitute for trade deals to provide low-wage jobs at home. I was taken off guard thinking you were a Trump supporter. But unlike the people who voted for him you actually understand

Actually, Americans voted for Hillary Clinton to be president - by a historic margin. The rules of Electoral College, however - which used to be a deliberative body meant to bar demagogues and unfit candidates from office but sadly is no longer - awarded the office to her opponent.

Thanks and likewise. Sadly, I don’t live on Saltspring. My wife and I stayed there at a bed and breakfast as part of our honeymoon many moons ago and I became enamored of it because it has everything a nature-lover could want: dizzying heights, lakes, forest, ocean, small town feel, art, sea life, proximity to

He is literally directly quoted in an interview that he is going to begin having regular military parades on the streets of American cities.

It’s pretty clear from his amoral views in this interview that Thiel is NOT a Homo Sapiens. You take it back!

The DOE managed the stockpile. They don’t anymore. The mission of the NNSA is to manage safeguard our nuclear technology and to prevent proliferation of nukes, among other directives. It was formed after China managed to infiltrate and steal nuclear secrets. It is a critically important agency.

In fact, the letter uses their scientific expertise and references specific measurements to explain to someone who otherwise is going to have no clue as to why the agreement is good sound policy:

No, the facts are completely opposite to what you portray. Canada has an immigration inflow as a percentage of its population that is TWICE that of the United States, .8% versus .4%. Canada is also MORE diverse than the US. In fact, it is the most diverse of the G8 nations, with huge Asian and East Indian populations

Oh god, thank you for cracking me up and giving me the energy to make it one more day in our burgeoning dystopia [sets moist-barreled pistol back down on dresser].

Exactly. And when prompted offer nothing beyond their name, rank, and serial number.

He may as well be a villain from Captain Planet. He’s putting Exxon Mobil in charge of the state department, has been trying to shut down wind power for a decade, put a guy in charge of the EPA who wants to eliminate it, wants to gut environmental regulations, will pull the United States out of the Paris climate

This is both the truest and most frightening thing I will read today.

If by “nearly impossible” you mean scraping together the $159 to modify the rifle to full auto, then yes. Otherwise… It’s pretty damn easy to do.

His entourage actually actually arranged the call. This is part of Steve Bannon’s White nationalist vision to completely re-make the world by blowing up all of our current diplomatic platforms and making America a thug on the world stage. Trump doesn’t necessarily know any better so he is easily manipulated. I think