
I got a very North Korean vibe from the name.

Nah, it sounds weird at first, because the headlines are playing it up like it’s a national holiday, but it is actually a normal tradition. Presidents name their inauguration days. Obama did it, too.

He gets that we are united against him, right?

I also have the sick feeling we’re headed for violence, but I’m never going to fly that flag. We have 50 states and multiple territories and if anything, there should be more stars, not less.

The true patriots are all the women (and men) who marched on January 21st. They are the ones deserving of approbation.

I can’t with this, anymore.

Read this, y’all! A scholar basically understands the ways in which propaganda psychologically impacts people; even those who attempt to resist it can accidentally play into it. I found it incredibly useful to think about in those terms. Another tactic that some regimes use has been via romanticized reality, i.e.

The shirts will be brown

I bet the new uniforms are going to be fantastic. Lots of gold. Beautiful.

Textbook insecurity.

Okay so y’all know this is gonna end in Civil War right? They aren’t going to give up what they’ve taken so far. Literally over their dead bodies. This just proves it. For every move we make he has to one up it for his ego. Trump has never admitted to a mistake in his life do you think he is going to go down as the

I heard that SNL writers were having a hard time writing skits about him because no matter how outlandish they were it still sounded too true to life.

Now people will finally see Trump for the well adjusted and secure individual he is. Nothing says ‘I’m fine’ better than decreeing a holiday for the party no one showed up to.

Funny, I felt more patriotic on the 21st.

A Trump Day would be celebrated by not doing any real work for the rest of our lives.

I pity the satirists whose jobs are being overtaken by reality.

Annual Women’s March it is.

It’s only a matter of time before the office of the President is renamed “Supreme Leader.”

I expect an Executive Order replacing Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday with a federal holiday honoring Cheetolini. A day off every June 14.