
Its important because he is now being held to a higher standard- if Obama had done something like this, there would have been an uproar in the conservative bubble so putrid and acidic that it would have scorched the airways.

To be fair, that was the only argument against Hillary that I felt held water: That Clintons were in the White House before, and they did not deliver on their promises, and also that she has never really shown an interest in attacking the establishment. (I voted for Bernie in the primarys, obviously)

I’ll believe corporations are people when I can punch one in the face.

“Yamchurian” is beautiful. Beautiful. Thank you.

Clinton left office with a budget surplus. How is that evidence of a, “trashed economy?”

Society. Look at what was said in that talk. We are repeating history over and over. We’re stuck in this non-stop cycle of ignorance.

“they destroy their own communities protesting”

Who should we really be mad at? Truthfully, I would say that it’s ourselves. We want cheap things. We want nicer places to live. We know that the world has finite resources and so we worship science and progress to give us our gewgaws. The problem is that we don’t have an ethical philosophy in place to regulate those

Populist autocrats always spout simplistic solutions to complex problems. Part of the problem is that people, like you, haven’t learned the lessons of history and so fall for these con men over and over.

Most politics and policy making still regards the baby boomers as the single largest, most important and valuable generational voting bloc. The boomers have tended to be a selfish generation with regard to politics and policy, and as they collectively approach retirement age, they are singleminded about stashing as

Blame congress

It’s the dumbing down of society but it’s also the corruption that has led our governments to be more beholden to the interests of big corporations and the uber wealthy than to those of we the people. People have for the most part become so distracted by daily life and gadgets and so forgotten the power of public

“But Bush and Clinton were a complete waste of time.”

There is no dumbing down. People stay the same amount of dumb. Just in different ways. In Sagan’s time homosexuals couldn’t marry each other. Murder rates were higher. There was a big to-do about literacy rates dropping. The closest we had had to a minority president was a catholic 30-some odd years earlier. You still

Be mad at a system of government that will inevitably boil down to a two-party system, when even the authors of that system warned against it. Without proportional representation, we are just voting between two huge baskets of ideals, with no ability to pick and choose our desired mix.

Bill Clinton gave us Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That was worth 8 years.

Actually, we should be mad at the cheap ass Boomers who started to elect people who promised to lower taxes to Congress in the ‘70s.

We should be mad at ourselves for letting the House of Representatives fill up with obstructionist shitheads.

Clinton presided over unparalleled peace and prosperity. Bush allowed the worst terror attack ever on our soil, fought two wars of choice very, very badly, and tanked the economy.

I listened to Bill Clinton’s first inaugural address on Friday, and everything in that speech, all of the problems he named: health care costs, lost of manufacturing, education, the infrastructure, the service economy, foreign wars, etc. still apply today. Sagan is right, as the dumbing down of America has led us to