Read this article. It’s amazing.
Read this article. It’s amazing.
You know who was my favorite speaker at the Women’s March? A man, one who used to annoy the hell out of me. Michael Moore. He kept it simple: he provided the number we call to voice concerns to our representatives. Then he told us: call every day. Put it in your schedule along with brushing your teeth and showing up…
What? It was magical! The crowd was held in the palm of his hand!
To be fair, when you spend your whole life believing (and probably being told) that your tiny hands and other things are larger than they are, you become very bad at eyeballing measurements.
But...Trumpies across the country DO believe his was the largest crowd. And always will. Because the media lies. And only Trump tells the truth. We are in a very sad, scary place, despite the protests. Our only hope is that many more liberals vote in all the elections ahead to obtain a change in the House or Senate. …
But that’s what makes it great. It is petty, but people are only focusing on it so much because HE cares so much.
and that’s just the one in DC. If you add the crowds from all the major cities, the women’s march is the largest protest in US history. Far greater than the one for Occupy Wall St. or the Iraq war.
Nice article! While Trump, Conway and Spicer are a special brand of bat crap crazy but I do have one theory about the difference in turnout. The people that voted for Trump are in the mostly in rural areas, in the middle of the country and probably couldn’t afford or were afraid (due narrow and moronic ideas) to…
“All of them were my girlfriends that go to another school!!”
Bernie Bros who rejected all the work Hillary Clinton has done in the last 30 years are now criticizing her for not coming out to march yesterday. I know we’ve got the green light for punching Nazis, but can we punch Bernie Bros, too?
I checked out the comments to some articles posted on FB to see what the Trumpers/ettes were saying. They are convinced that the sparse photos were “six hours” before the inauguration, so that’s why nobody was there yet. They combine this with Trump’s assertion that he was there and saw lots of people. Other…
They didn’t have fewer people, they’re just using alternative counting.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
So 4.5 million people, then?
Nothing. They’ll just switch their inauguration photos with the march photos and say the march photos are theirs proving that their numbers are correct.
I wonder what Alternate Facts the White House will put out about the number of attendees?
Small hands.
Meanwhile, Kellyanne Conway is busy calling Spicer’s press conference lies “alternative facts”.
Then how did he get the job?
Countering Trump administration propaganda and apathy is going to be hard these next four years. I fully expect this admin to try to turn the States into a dictatorship.