
It’s becoming very clear that we’re all going to get outrage fatigue under the Trump administration. And that is dangerous.

We knew he would never release his taxes. If he did release them, people would have proof about how bad his financial situation is. Then it would be difficult for him and his supporters to insist he would be good for jobs and the economy. Although why anyone thinks that a man with a history of not paying people for

“We litigated this all through the election. People didn’t care..”

No. There’s even talk petitions will be taken down from ththe White House website. It’s a policy President Obama started to create a petition page and respond/make a decision when signatures reach a certain amount.

“Alternative Facts”

What about that petition? Does he HAVE to respond? And if so, does he have to release the tax returns or can he come back with the usual “after the audit” nonsense?

Kellyanne is telling the truth. Every time she uses ‘they,’ she’s specifically referring to his supporters. They didn’t care. They don’t care. They didn’t/don’t care about his tax returns, sexual abuse, lies, bigotry, lack of experience- the list continues. Or rather they DO care. They like that he’s disrespectful and

Why mince words? He’s a dictator, the United States of America right now is a dictatorship. People are deluding themselves because so far he didn’t used his dictatorial power to any of the things commonly associated with a dictatorship (only because he has not to, so far). But that doesn’t mean it’s not one, or that

First of all, litigated is not the right word for this. It’s not even a casual misuse. There has been no lawsuit surrounding this. Perhaps it is a Freudian slip because she believes there should be?

Conway is rapidly approaching a boilerplate response to any questioning:

I’m afraid that for the next four years I’ll be unable to share my financial information with the federal government. As a practicing scientologist I am constantly self-auditing and the IRS would violate my freedom of religion by interfering.

Here’s hoping

Who woulda thought that taxes would bring down another American villain? (Please hurry up, taxes.)

We need to demand a law that requires any candidate to release their taxes. no taxes- no campaign.

So, the Cheeto in Chief is not going to release any tax returns? Did anyone actually expect that he would?

I think I am going to have to tweet at Kellyanne, Spicer & Trump at least once a day to remind them that they are actually *also* the (Civil) Servants of the people who *didn’t* vote for them. It seems like they need the reminder.

Go sign the petition:

But, seriously, I hope literally no one is surprised. This was the plan all along. In the case that he lost - which is the scenario even he admitted he believed more likely - he wouldn’t release them because he wasn’t running for shit, anymore. In the case that he won? Well, fuck you, I’m president, now...