
That’s what makes me particularly critical of MLK III. He has seen the campaign and seen everything surrounding Trump and his upcoming presidency. And he chose to hang John Lewis out to dry, by saying people on both sides “say things.” John Lewis is to be revered for giving the “illegitimate” label back to Trump and

MLK III. Power does very weird things to people. Meeting with Trump after what he said to John Lewis and excusing it as he did, gives me pause. Meeting with a man who has put up two unapologetic white Supremacists into his cabinet is, in my opinion misguided and dangerous 

It would be great if he was speaking to them to actually do something good, but these are just photo ops for him.

My Verdict- Watch his ass like a hawk. He is not who people think he is

ETA that it seems Rev Bernice King isn’t much of a Trump critic. I’ve heard her speak in non-religious environments and have been impressed, but I firmly disavow spiritual leaders who diminish the rights of the LGBTQ communities. Particularly as a black woman, I have major issues with the homophobia that permeates

I agree 100%. I genuinely cannot imagine what they are thinking. Have they not been reading the news for the last year? Do they not remember what happened with the Black pastors in Chicago. Herr Cheeto simply uses people like this to falsely legitimize himself, without ever giving anything of any use. How

Update: MLK III said the meeting was productive and constructive and that why talked about ways to fix the broken voting system. Then was asked what his father would said in the Trump meeting. He then responded that if his father would have lived we probably wouldn’t be dealing with these issues.

I get it. But MLKIII is the type of guy Thump SHOULD be speaking with. He should be speaking with John Lewis and Bernice King and Ta-Nahesi Coates and other articulate critics. And it should be on the record, not an awkward trot through the lobby of Thump Tower. Because we obviously see through Kanye and Steve Harvey

I get the point of this, but there’s also an icky factor to it. There are blacks who support or want to support Trump, and who even voted for Trump.

It is my favourite of his writings. His words about extremism are without flaw:

Just show up and/or give money-

Check out Pence’s creepy twitter feed.

I live in Indiana.

Wasn’t he supposed to attend a museum during his campaign - and it go canceled due to protests, so then he made an impromptu visit to some random restaurant? Wish I could remember what the museum was, but I think it might have been an African American history museum in the South.

He’s been to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Holocaust museum. But it doesn’t sound like he took away more than “those were some big beautiful exhibits.”

Nope! He’s a boor. He’s the kind of New Yorker who brags about living in the “greatest cultural city in the world” but doesn’t take advantage of any of the culture.

Except Mike Pence didn’t do that. What you just witnessed is a masterclass in political minpulation. He focuses almost entirely on John Lewis’s statements, and how he was disappointed and hopes he reconsiders, how John Lewis is one of his heroes. He has a one off about Trump because he has to. He’s the Vice President,

For educational purposes? No. Never. That would mean he gives a shit about something other than himself, which is highly unlikely.

“The backlash against Trump for his criticism of John Lewis, in which he called a man who was beaten by police in Selma “all talk, talk, talk - no action or results,” was intense.”

Serious question. Do you think Trump’s ever been to a museum (you know to actually look at the exhibits, not to attend a fundraising dinner)?