
Mexico is awesome. Just fucking awesome. Seriously it’s an amazing country that most Americans know absolutely nothing about other than the fear mongering they get on Fox News and their pearl clutching Facebook friends (“But isn’t it dangerous? And dirty? omg but emails the cartel!”)

The people are awesome. The food is

He kept mentioning how Mexico “Does not send their best and brightest. No, they send the murderers and rapists....” I really wonder if he actually thinks that Mexico “sends” its people here, as in they select who they are going to send on a border dash? I am beginning to think that he believes that is how it works!

I’ve been seeing people claiming that they were hired as “seat-fillers” for it. Trump really is creating jobs!

Since I have to troll Drumpf for 4 years, this is going in my Trumpkin Trololo folder, thanks.

I wonder if Trump and his ilk have noticed how much the US exports to Mexico and what those companies are going to do when Mexico starts slapping retaliatory tariffs on them.

Well, hell, he’s actually being kind of un-American (according to his own logic est. in the Dixie Chicks fiasco) by offering anything but blind praise for the government- I wonder if his brain will explode like NOMAD in that Trek episode.

Toby Keith was instrumental to the assassination of The Dixie Chicks during the Bush Administration. It’s hard to be sympathetic to unclear shades of meaning in his words. Easier to believe he’s talking out of both sides of his face.

After what had been called the “one of the dirtiest, meanest campaigns in American history” (until 2016, of course), Andrew Jackson threw open the door of the White House to the public after his inauguration. “The White House has seen a lot of big parties, but nothing compares to March 4, 1829, when Andrew Jackson’s

I guess the guy hasn’t heard of the VA. Nor does he realize that the U.S. military is an excellent example of socialism.

A commenter on DailyMail recently wrote: Trump should build a wall around the entire country and let the Americans protect each other with their guns.

“We want health care!”

Well if there’s one thing the military does do it’s provide socialized medical care. Lord knows the VA needs to be better, but I have an uncle who is only alive because of the VA, several times over. Granted on the other hand a lot of the problem he has were probably caused by being in vietnam in the first place, but

I’ve been trying to figure out if Trump ever thought his wall would work, or if he was just riling up the racism and xenophobia to get elected. His fans all think Mexico is a hellhole with no jobs and tumbleweeds floating through the streets... if they’ve visited at all, it’s been to TJ. Which is like... fuck...

In other news, Trump has just been completely outmanoeuvred by Mexico in a single move. The Mexican Minister for the Economy has announced the obvious: that, since Trump’s punitive border tax plans are a move to hurt Mexico and any companies currently manufacturing products there, it will need to neutralise those

My response to this lineup:

Even the Minnesota State Fair got the Backstreet Boys

It’s going to be the best event ever. Very classy

I just wanted to encourage everyone to call your representatives and senators and ask them to not attend this farce. I just called mine and asked them to stand with John Lewis.

I wanted to like Sanders. I really did. But he was an intellectually lazy one-note buffoon. A socialist who was too lazy to follow what had actually been happening in Europe for the past 25 years, and who had no coherent economic policy that rose beyond “free college” and single payer.