
Stop. Get out right now. Never come back.

What a waste of potential. This guy could do good, but seems self satisfied to do harm to weaker, less powerful people. Just like Trump voters, except he actually has wealth

At the same time, I worry there’s a part of Silicon Valley that is hyper-politically correct about sex.

He looks like a botox-injected T-rex.

I think Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) describes Thiel perfectly when she sums up Solo’s refusal to commit to the Rebel Alliance and help destroy the Death Star.

I think there was an editing error. Those quotes are from the Patrick Bateman character in the never published galleys for “American Psycho: New Millennium”

I like where he basically said trump is stupid and easily manipulated.

The setting: a darkened office on Sand Hill Road, particles of Soylent hover in the air...

I think you are missing his point. Trump and his team have repeatedly stated that there is no such thing as conflict of interest for the office of the President and VP. He’s graciously doing all of us a favor by going as far as he has to distance himself from his businesses. He said it plainly this morning that he

He also said “I won’t do foreign deals.” And then proceeded to brag about investors from Dubai asking him to do new deals. That press conference was a just a parade of horribles.

As soon as you types stop living in pretend world where words don’t mean anything. Christ on a cracker please kill yourself. Your idiocy is wasting oxygen.

Yep! I posted this before, months ago, but I’ll reiterate: Trump’s a master of kettle logic.

Ok, I’m going to assume you’re being serious, that you’re not just a troll, and you honestly don’t understand the problem here. I’m hopped up on caffeine and stuck on the world’s most boring and never-ending conference call, so let’s do this.

Counterpoint: “I will turn over my businesses to my sons” and “I will have no conflicts of interest” cannot both be true either.

if nabokov is correct that “satire is a lesson, parody is a game,” then it doesn’t even rise to the level of satire. it’s a hastily constructed parody. like an snl sketch from olden times when they couldn’t think of what else to do so they just had chevy chase dress up as gerald ford and fall down again.

Rather than a blind trust, he created a seeing quasi-trust.

Please don’t forget:

Maybe his idiotic reasoning is actually a brilliant riddle! Is the answer “The doctor is the boy’s mother”?


Two things he said this morning: