Don’t be silly, Trumpcare is just Trump pretending to be a gynecologist and grabbing some pussy.
Don’t be silly, Trumpcare is just Trump pretending to be a gynecologist and grabbing some pussy.
Actually that elder group will be fine. The republicans are not idiots, they know that old people vote and they probably know how many of them vote republican. So they won’t mess with the voting old people when they change medicare. They’ll mess with the not voting too much young and middle aged folks. I’ve read both…
People 70-100 are on Medicare. My parents talk about how great it is, and how, along with some cheap supplemental insurance, they don’t have to pay a dime for anything.
Yeah, I remember a whole piece that the NY Times did on Kentucky and the changes in store for it if ACA was dismantled. Clay County, IIRC, had the most people taking advantage of the expansion of Medicaid, and yet went 85% for Trump. I can’t understand this. Are people that stupid? How did he convince them to vote…
“He was retired.”
Do you think Gazprom will give low income families cheap fuel oil like Citgo did before Venezuela went tits up?
Plus he was fired via email. What a dick move by a moving dick.
You joke, but Kentucky was one of the biggest success stories of the ACA. A large number of people received insurance and their exchange, set up under a Democratic governor, was one of the few initial successful launches.
Seventy? I’m 63 and terrified. I just finished a year of breast cancer and treatment, and my 77 year old husband has lung cancer. Thanks to Obamacare, our policy paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars and we are both still alive and financially solvent.
Disclaimer: Trumpcare does not provide coverage for black lung.
And the coal miners will have jobs! Just repeal the environmental regulations, and everything will be fine
Right! The sense of purpose is one of the main drivers that keep people alive, that, and great friends. (Its been studied.)
Trump is going to SAVE healthcare. Didn’t you hear? He’s going to take Obamacare and call it Trumpcare, and everyone in Pensatucky is going to be so healthy. Healthiest coal miners you’ll ever see!
“’s an astonishing admission—someone who actually wants to participate in Trump’s inauguration.”
Just wait until the 70-100 year old set realize they can’t pay for healthcare
I do not understand what this woman is saying.
Very true. Trump isnt a real Republican- he is the best snake oil salesman we’ve ever had.
I know right? As another poster, on a Gizmodo post stated “if only irony was fatal” or something along those lines. Trumpsters think that a man living in a gilded apartment, in a building with his own name on it, is more in touch with real America than these guys (many of whom had to claw their way into the…
Already have people on fb saying fuck her for not liking football. That’s what they gleaned from her amazing speech, that she doesn’t like football.
Oh, it’s epic. “She should just stick to movies rather than slandering Her Furer,” “I will never watch her movies again!” “That was fake news that the DNC, as per the Russian (not Russian??) leaked emails. They talked about doctoring the footage!”