
Moreover, WHEN did the country do this 180 in our collective regards of a relationship with Russia? Literally, from my earliest memories, I have only known contempt, mistrust, and of course, the Cold War with Russia. That is what I was taught, how our parents spoke of the USSR, as a country we’ve been raised as

Yeah, “high quality” is a petty standard term in the intelligence community, and is usually a damn good rating it seems.

What the fuck do you people think is going on here? The heads of the nations intelligence agencies all simultaneously decided to throw away their careers to fabricate a report? That the democrats are leveraging the zero power they now hold to blackmail them into faking a connection to Russia?

And yet you haven’t addressed the fact that intelligence agencies actually didn’t say Iraq had WMDs.

You forgot “Suck it up, buttercup” and “something something liberal snowflakes something something”

Exactly. So your utter ignorance on the subject of who carried out the hacking means nothing compared to the opinion of three agencies with thousands of agents who have access to the intelligence on this subject.

Yes. Ignorant conspiratorial types are always the most adamant that you’re the tool (I’m sick of even using “sheeple” sarcasrically).

When I was in Iraq, I kept a blog and criticized some aspects of how the war was being run. I actually got death threats (or hopes I’d be killed, or creatively tortured) from the Conservative Keyboard Commandos supporting the war from the safety of their couch.

Well, the biggest issue is that George W. Bush did not care to listen to the intelligence community about Saddam Hussein. They wanted to go to war and they were quite willing to use what little evidence that they had to go to war. In fact, he never bothered to talk to the guy who debriefed Hussein (who said he did not

Occam’s razor. Either the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI - and many employees within those agencies are *all* conspiring to lie for no conceivable gain...or you are wrong.

And Clinton won the popular vote and another slime-ball Republican became president. Same happened in 2000, remember? At Bushes appeal to the Supreme Court (who are never supposed to get themselves involved in the electoral process) actually did a “one time only” deal for the Republicans. They stopped the vote

Yep. The disgraced Italian secret agent who tried to bring the Yellowcake Uranium evidence to the USA was rejected as not being credible the CIA, the State Department,and the IAEA.

I have also heard it was sparse on details so as to not let other countries know about our vulnerabilities for other hacks.

We’ve been shaming for over a year and all it’s done is cause the Trump supporters to coalesce around the idea that the left is full of condescending elites. It was the constant shaming that won Trump the election. We are reaping what we sowed.

You can do it all you want, just know that you’ll be met with a baby faced “Nuh-uh”. It’s exhausting trying to argue with those fuckers.

Shame? Embarrassment!? Have you ever talked to a Trump voter?

when cult members finally leave a cult, the hardest thing is dealing with the shame. and they often say that the reason they stayed so long is that it was preferable to dealing with the embarrassment of being suckered.

At least she’s not a dictator’s puppet. Also, sounds like a pretty great life. She’ll die a hero. How will history remember Trump?

From my experience, I can tell you exactly how shaming them will go:

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.