
Yes, she is. Always insufferable. I believe the heart of this anger is that Trump is demanding obesiance and adulation now that he won. And he’s not getting it. The people that despised him- mind you, despised him because of his own behavior- still despise him.

Yes. They tried to sink lower in their chairs. Camera person wasn’t having it. YAAAS. Watch them squirm. Good. Moar please.

To be fair football is a synonym for politics in their warped headspace.

Hey there,

I don’t think McCain is speaking in support of Trump, I think she is saying that this type of speech alienates base republican voters. I think it is true, as they are a bunch of whiny babies whose fee fees are hurt by someone not enjoying duck dynasty, but I’m not sure that is reason enough to give in to their ever

The best I can translate it (as someone who actually tries to listen to these fucks) is thus: “The Left bringing up issues of injustice and discrimination constantly and without end is why Donald Trump got elected. And if the Left doesn’t understand why we’re sick of hearing about them, and how you can talk to us

Oh my God, the Twitter lashing against Streep is INSANE. Tomi Lahren is a fucking Nazi cartoon character come to life. The irony of Trump supporters lashing out at Hollywood STARS - real talented artists - for being critical WHEN THEY ELECTED A DAMN REALITY TV BOZO FOR PRESIDENT.

For me the biggest takeaway from the election is that Trump fans don’t care about facts. “Trump would never say X,” they insist; and if you cut to video footage of Trump saying X it doesn’t slow them down at all.

He literally said her father wasn’t a war hero because he was captured.

The disconnect is mind boggling. They cannot see past their own noses, even though it’s so clear the man is a whiny pissbaby.

Waiting for the Republican outrage about how entitled and out of touch Hollywood stars are alienating half of America. Even though we will have a President who is an out of touch, former Hollywood star who alienates half of America.

They have to bring him in once the film begins to attain some levity.

10-1 odds he comes back to life, but under the control of Darkseid, all so Snyder can have him be evil and fight the League for awhile.

SPOILER ALERT! Did you watch BvS? He is dead!

Moreover, WHEN did the country do this 180 in our collective regards of a relationship with Russia? Literally, from my earliest memories, I have only known contempt, mistrust, and of course, the Cold War with Russia. That is what I was taught, how our parents spoke of the USSR, as a country we’ve been raised as

You forgot “Suck it up, buttercup” and “something something liberal snowflakes something something”

And Clinton won the popular vote and another slime-ball Republican became president. Same happened in 2000, remember? At Bushes appeal to the Supreme Court (who are never supposed to get themselves involved in the electoral process) actually did a “one time only” deal for the Republicans. They stopped the vote

We’ve been shaming for over a year and all it’s done is cause the Trump supporters to coalesce around the idea that the left is full of condescending elites. It was the constant shaming that won Trump the election. We are reaping what we sowed.

You can do it all you want, just know that you’ll be met with a baby faced “Nuh-uh”. It’s exhausting trying to argue with those fuckers.

Shame? Embarrassment!? Have you ever talked to a Trump voter?