
I vote he just refuses to pay because the quality isn’t high enough. What is wrong with it? You know, the builders just didn’t do a good enough job. Why didn’t he complain while they were building and force them to fix it? Because....reasons. Did he sign off on the final inspection? Probably, but whatever. Let Trump

The dream police, they live inside of my head

He’s put a voucher lady into office. He’s probably going to Nationalize Trump University, use it as the model for public schools, and make parents pay the same kinds of fees he charged... or they can get vouchers and send their kids to a creationist religious school. Choices, choices, choices.

“Oh, sorry. Here’s why: We’re a country of fucking cowards politically who are afraid of actually addressing our issues.”

“From the outside it looks like the house is on fire, the homeowners won’t call the fire department, and are hoping it will sort itself out.”

No. Contrary to what you think, not every non-national-secret communication and document by a public figure should be accessible to the general public. Even politicians deserve a degree of privacy. I’m actually annoyed by the media making a big deal about Trump not informing the press about going to dinner, simply

more than we spend on eduction

Congrats for getting out of your 8 year coma. Obama, like every president before him, was raked over the coals by the media.

Seeing Trudeau, Nieto and Obama all in one room...whoa. That’s some international hotness right there.

When he was El Presidente, my homegirls and I called him Vincente The Fox. ‘Cuz he is and always has been a foxy mutha.

It may be a little bit of an overstatement but when both parties are unified in wanting more sanctions for Russia and Trump’s response to this has been “I think we should remove sanctions”, that does give me a moment’s pause.

alright im in...why don’t you date mexicans?

“Think of the exposure!”

I may not agree with Vicente Fox on everything politically, but I got to see him speak in June and he had a lot of great things to say about treating our international neighbors with humanity and not demonizing other human beings for political gain. While these seem like basic things to do as a decent human being,

This is the darkest timeline. I’m wearing a mustache in honor of it.

I have had multiple dreams where OUR ACTUAL REALITY is just a nightmare and I just laugh it off or tell people that I had the funniest dream that not only did this man win a primary (hahaha??) but that he won the general (LOL WHAT).

The rush of Southern trailer parks to replace their Confederate battle flags with Russian flags is quite astonishing.

Is it really possible that you don’t see the function of a free and open press as different than the machinations of one of the world’s most powerful despots trying to assure the election of the candidate he feels will be most amenable to the various horror shows he inflicts on the world? Amazing if true.

But if I acknowledge that it might be bad then maybe I have to start to actually wonder whether I should be comfortable with the fact that a guy who uses polonium to poison political dissidents wanted the guy elected that I voted for.

A foreign state is interfering in our free democratic elections. That’s the problem here, that you’re missing the entire point of this problem. Look we get it trump won. Now that we’ve established that fact can you get over yourselves (trump voters) to see this is a huge problem and damn near, arguably an act of