
oh yeah, the environment is the hurdle that will finally get these people to change their minds...

As long as their papers are in order, they’ll be alright.

No, you are right to voice this concern. In addition to everything else, this will cause environmental damage that may be permanent.

Well, yes. But it’s a standard nationalist trope, always trotted out when the powerful have sucked enough money out of the system to cause an economic crisis and financial suffering for all the folks who work for a living.

I still don’t understand how Latinos are the source of all the white people’s problems. The very issue of illegal immigration is a red herring.

Ugh. I hadn’t even thought about that. Fuck.

Oh, totally. Trump will make a fortune from this wall. It’s the only reason he gives a shit.

The chunks of fence that exist are already bad for that. There are only so many water sources in the desert and animals frequently have to travel some distance.

This. Maybe bring in a video to play of the hundreds of times Trump promised that Mexico would build it.

They will be boned.

I’m wondering if this wall thing is a red herring to distract activists and Democrats from the more serious stuff, like curtailing reproductive rights and aggravating the Climate Crisis. What if we just ignore this stuff and insist our reps. refuse to pay? I’m not sure that actual Republicans are going to want to

I want to change my party affiliation to Repub so when I email my senators they care. And I want to protest the wall with MEXICO PAYS signs.

Oh they’ll be screwed. There was research done on its impact to wild life and it ain’t good. Not that Trump could give a shit.

Somehow, I feel like “We refuse to pass this spending bill because you said Mexico would pay for the wall,” should be more than enough. Forcefeed the GOP their own rotten bullshit, you know? Say “we’ll vote for this bill when you get Mexico to pay for it like you promised, and not one second before.”

I met a traveler from an antique land

Fuck, he could perform a late-term abortion on the street and they’d still worship him. I mean, they might think “Um....” And then he’d say something about Muslim and Terrorist and Fetal Spies. Then they’d say, “Makes perfect sense!”

Remember when Halliburton seemed horrifying? We were so innocent then.

Pretty sure the rejection of climate change as a real concern will take care of any wildlife.

This may not seem like the thing to voice a concern about, but what about all the wildlife that migrate along the border?

They did a lot more than authorize a wall. It already exists. And it already cost billions and billions of dollars. That’s how we know it’s very expensive. Because the remaining parts of the border that don’t have a wall are mostly impregnable cliffs in Marfa, where the cost of construction would get even more