
I do what i can

...Adding that Paul Ryan also knows that NO FEDERAL MONEY goes to abortions, so all he is doing is taking money away from cancer screenings and STD testing.

I’m sure the details won’t be worked out-- because it’s completely impossible. It takes days for the body to expel the full uterine lining following a miscarriage. What is a woman supposed to do, keep a garbage bag of bloody pads to be cremated all together? 

“liberals who need constant reminding that the GOP have no interest in responsible governing.”

My God it’s full of Black Holes

I’m sure Paul Ryan knows that less than 3% of PP services are abortions... but he also knows many of his supporters believe Jon “Not intended to be a factual statement” Kyl when he stood on the floor of the Senate and lied that over 90% of what PP does is abortion. Facts don’t matter anymore and Paul Ryan is counting

And that the funding PP does receive from the Feds DOESN’T GO TOWARDS PROVIDING ABORTIONS?!?

Paul Ryan also is fairly young—mid 40s. He’s the first presidential/vice presidential candidate to be younger than I am. That he is so selfishly cruel and mean just appalls me.

Ryan is hatred with it’s hair combed.

Do you not understand that Paul Ryan is an enemy to the working class, and believes only the wealthy deserve access to adequate healthcare?

But but but... her emails!

This might be wrong but as much as I hate Trump, I hate Paul Ryan even more. Trump’s dangerous but a buffoon, Ryan fully means what he says while not being aware of what a douchebag he is

A big part of the problem is that Americans inexplicably forgot the Bush years with astounding speed. Guess that’s a testament to Obama.

Follow-up: Who’s going to pay for the burial or cremation? Taxpayers don’t want streets lined with dead people, it reminds them of their mortality and bad odors.

Like, does he (and every other buttfaced Republican), not understand that PP offers more services other than abortions? JFC!!

“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”

In return the fathers of the unwanted pregnancies have to pay all care and childbirth costs and then take in the unwanted kids when born.

According to Republicans, the only two problems facing U.S. citizens today are women having abortions and transgender people attacking children in public restrooms.

Interesting idea. Explain how per capita doesn’t mean shit when it comes to immigration numbers. Do you mean hundreds of millions of people, as in the difference between the Canadian and US populations? Because you can’t mean immigrants. Canada took in about 300 000 last year to the USs 1M+. I’d argue that per