
They quite diligently do quite a bit of evil, but also devote a lot of money to smoke so there’s plausible deniability that they’re not doing that much.

My favorite part of the story is that this guy tried to suck up to Orange Hitler and even that didn’t work. It’s hilarious how so many of these dudes think THEY are the exception to the way OH deals with people. Well, if the situation were different it would be hilarious. Right now it’s just horrifying.

Those Russian loans hold the most sway of all. After American bankers rightly deemed Trump too risky, he turned to the Russians. His blind loyalty will hopefully be our salvation.

Reading is for losers

Don’t forget he’s basically declared having no faith in America’s intelligence apparatuses because of their own reports on his election. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the few briefings he does attend just to see what the hell he says about the subject matter...

Now playing

What amazes me is how many times people have accused President Obama over how much he golfs, (306 times according to: Though not even half as much as IKE

Putin doesn’t crouch down near the water hazard as much as slither out of.

I think the Koch’s are vile old men with too much money and time on their hands to do actual evil. Trump is do dumb and petty. I thought his downfall would be trying to enrich himself. I have now decided that he is going to piss off too may old white dudes in charge of larger corporations.

0ld white guy case study is sufficient.

He also just closed a new deal in Indonesia after specificly saying no deals once elected. Our kleptocracy is coming along bigly.

I have found 3 sofa quarters and my son is offering a bag of fruit snacks towards this goal. Unless these lawyers will go pro bono?

Almost makes you want to root for a Koch- almost.

He’s not even president and he’s already golfing, loser.

I have a brother-in-law who styles men for a living. Quite a few of his regular clients are dowdy white business men. In the last year he said everyone of them have confessed a terror of looking as unprofessional as Cheetolini. One guy threw out his entire wardrobe of slacks because he realized they gave him

So Drumpo authorized biography and now he is denying everything?? Well how fucking typical of him, considering he doesn’t read more then 3 pages, or books that doesn’t contain pictures in them, probably of naked girls, preferred in real 3D.

I just love it that he pissed of David Koch and for such a trivial reason. The more opposition he gets from republicans the better.

Instead, Koch’s foursome left and played at Emerald Dunes, which Hurt described in his Facebook post as “a much, much better golf course than Trump International.

Trump’s entire style is basically what someone in a trailer park imagines a rich person looks and acts like. His whole appearance and environment screams gaudy and lack of taste.