
“Fuck it, I’ll play ‘em both.”

I hereby swear to you that if I become the producer of a Superman movie, I will cast you as Lex Luthor.

I kind of hope the cast and crew collectively keep Dwayne Johnson thinking he’s the hero throughout production and then midway through filming one scene he starts piecing together that he’s the villain. And everyone’s just like “We were gonna tell you, man. But you just seemed really pumped up about the whole thing...”

Black Adam. He’s not the hero we deserve from a Shazam movie, but he’s the hero we’re god damn gonna get... if the Rock has anything to say about it.

In the DCverse, Black Adam doesn’t murder people - he manslaughters them, so it’s all good.

It works because a good villain is always the hero of his own story. If Johnson believes that he’s the hero he’ll probably give a good performance. It took me forever but I finally realized that’s why John Barrowman is so great as Merlyn on Arrow. Merlyn clearly believes he’s the hero of the story he’s living.

His confusion is understandable. In the Snyderverse, it’s hard to tell who’s a hero and who’s a villain.

If Big Bang Theory has taught me anything, it’s that engineers are not scientists, and exist to hit their cymbals when told to by the organ grinder.

Aww. Sweetheart.

  • Spends 8 years bitching about the current President playing golf

Uhhh, he’s going to be the leader of the largest economy and global power in the world for those 4 years. That’s enough time to fuck stuff up.

Facts and science have a well documented liberal bias.

Scientists are a pretty liberal lot for the most part. For most of the natural sciences, you might see maybe 10% or less identifying as conservative or Republican and the rest identifying as moderate or liberal, so by running as a Republican, Trump was already viewed suspiciously by most scientists because of their


the greatestly

How much important research will go un-funded in those 4 years?

Any one who puts the accumulation of wealth and power ahead of the accumulation of knowledge and the ability and capacity to act on it is a fool. Knowledge IS power. Capability IS wealth. But there are just too damned many people who cannot see the forest for the trees. Trump is just the newest king of the fools, like

and make sure they are, in fact, letters - because as we all know, no computer is safe.

Trump is a thin-skinned, reckless, feckless, pathologically lying, hate-mongering, wife-cheating, draft-dodging, woman-groping idiot who can’t refrain from tweeting in the middle of the night at every perceived slight.

Any letters directed to Trump should probably go through an expert in child-psychology first, so that he’ll better understand and absorb the information.