
I mute the TV whenever his fat ass is on and I stick to reading news online (at real news outlets, like WaPo). I also watch Rachel Maddow, but even then, I mute when Drumpf appears in clips.

Good Lord. Do you even realize that my comment was entirely about Trump himself, and not even a little bit about his supporters, yet you completely internalized it and made it about yourself?

I drink heavily now.

Yeah, Obama came to NH while he was President Elect, and a bunch of assholes showed up to his appearance at a HIGH SCHOOL with guns because “freedom” or something. Nobody did shit, because it was easier to let them show off their open carry guns than to explain that guns around the president have kind of a bad

that’s the point. 2nd amendment people say that you should be able to carry guns anywhere. this list (and abiding by this list) tacitly admits that there are places where guns do not belong.

by banning them he admits they pose a risk to personal safety. hard to stand behind gun laws when actions speak louder than words.

The post is pretty tongue-in-cheek. This list is extremely standard for pretty much all big public events and the writer knows that. It’s a joke about right wingers acting like everything abridges their freedoms.

Right! This is fucking stupid. How can he claim to be on the side of gun rights and in his own inauguration, ban firearms. What a hypocrit and asshole. Next thing is he’ll ban carrying a gun into the White House during a tour. This mother fucker!

So you’re saying is that the good guys don’t have guns to protect themselves from bad guys with guns because their Constitutional freedominess is being violated.

Fucking Sowell had a piece today basically dusting off every gun nuts talking point. Really pathetic effort from an alleged Conservative Intellectual.

Brains as well. Would not want people thinking too much around Trump, they might realize what a yuge mistake they made. That or Trump would realize he is not the smartest person in attendance and lash out at people. He does love the poorly educated after all.

Someone notify the NRA, see what they think about this nonsense! Umm Donald, I thought you respected the second amendment and the concept that more guns is always a better idea always?

It’s the hypocrisy about banning guns

Any other items determined to be potential safety hazards

First they came for the guns and I said nothing because I don’t carry in public.

They banned guns? Isnt that just inviting the bad guys in? (that’s how it works, right?)