
We are so fucked.

I’m not sure we have the kind of security we need, therefore we need to ignore those problems and just move on. Nothing to see here.

The thumbnail for that YouTube clip, Trump standing next to Don King while a headline declares that he had a good talk with Obama, is pretty much the surest sign that America is over.

Donald can go at night, when it’s cooler.

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the last year it’s that nothing, and I mean nothing, that comes out of his mouth, or his short little twitter fingers, can be taken seriously. He’s infinitely uninformed, irrational, incoherent, unable to discern fact from fiction, and a pathological liar who will change his

It is extremely difficult to know for certain which facts are understood or misunderstood by Mr. Trump. His brain suffers from a genome-based flawed wiring arrangement that avoids the standard pathways, particularly along the orbital cortex into the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and into the anterior cingulate,

No other conspiracy theorists piss me off more than Moon landing hoaxers. 9/11 “truthers” and Sandy Hook “truthers” ( God, I fucking hate the word “truther” ) are awful in their own right, but there’s just so much evidence to support the Moon landings that I don’t get how anyone can be stupid enough to believe it was

Or maybe we’re embracing chaos watching a fucking moron about to become president.

Ooh, a foreign troll. What part of Europe are you currently trying to vote in a white nationalist political party?

Coherence is a rare commodity.

Nope, nope, nope. Has nothing to do with logic or behavior. Has to do with circumstances.

Look everyone! I found the barely literate racist!

People who don’t believe we went to the moon annoy me in general. I have a coworker like that who I want to kick in the head sometimes. Once in a while, he’ll say something like, “Look at the footage of the the first supposed moon landing. There’s so many errors that NASA was too lazy to fix. They forgot the fucking


No place is far enough away.

...the crux of their conversation revolved around “a man going to the moon.” Naturally we must ask ourselves: does Trump know we’ve done that no less than a dozen times?

Trump’s gonna say America never landed on the Moon, because Mother Russia’s the only country that ever went to space, and his supporters will drink it up.

I for one support sending Trump to the moon.

There was not any reasonable evidence to support the notion that Obama was Muslim, communist, or any of the other things he was accused of being. He didn’t have any real connection to Farrakhan. He never advocated for the government taking control of the means of production. If anyone said those things, they were