
I am so sorry a Tesla slept with your wife. This must be very hard for you.

I don’t think raising the minimum wage is the answer, because it still leaves the jobless in a bad situation.


Many of these jobs are labor intensive (waitressing and housekeeping and being an HCA fucks your body UP) and don’t forget we did those blue collar jobs when all the menfolk were off fighting WW2. But then they came home and took them back sending us back to the kitchen, and women who did work could only find work

Women have physical strength. Blue collar jobs don’t require exceptional strength that is unattainable to women. Being blind to that fact is the same bias that keeps women out of these jobs. If women manage to get hired despite this bias, they still can get driven out of their jobs by sexual harassment. Some men are

At my old job I worked with women coming out of prison. I helped them build their vocational skills. I had one woman who had a full-time job, anazing considering her past charges, and two kids. She worked her fucking ass off. She would come to me every once in a while, so distraught and desperate because her full-time

Thank god we’ve decided to stop playing identity politics and focus all our attention on the REAL underclass — white men.

Yep it’s Marxist shit 101. If women will do it for free, wages will remain low.

I read your rant yesterday on the way home from spending time with my conservative in-laws and their brogressive nephews. It made me literally physically clap and feel hope for the first time in five days.

I think the reverse is also true: men won’t take low wage jobs. There is no reason men cannot be nurses aids, daycare teachers, and retail clerks. They refuse to do so because such wages are beneath them.

Good for her and fuck the unexamined sense of entitlement that men get from this bullshit. Also fuck the double standard at home that leaves women doing every fucking thing for everyone.

Yep. I actually went on a whole rant about this yesterday on the obama post. You can even see this play out in the developing world. The best thing to do to an economy is educating and empowering women. It’s half the country!

It is so fucking shameful that an American woman can work more than full time at a minimum wage job and still be in poverty. We should be better than this.

I recall that when my sister had a baby, her husband made a remark that he was suddenly treated better by his employers (all male, white finance firm)—more responsibilities and status in the office—and chalked it up to because he was a new father. He said this to me with no introspection and didn’t question what

The underlying cause is that there simply are not enough jobs and the American empire offers nothing but stagnation in every form, to the average worker.

Yeah, and they’re taking away jobs from teens, the real victims. Minimum wage was for jobs that were low skill to teach teens responsibility and to have a work ethic.

This is the domain that Ivanka claimed, but I don’t think she wants to go against the new Labor Secretary who doesn’t even believe in a minimum wage, much less a raise in said wage. She is too busy figuring out how much in tax credits she will need for each of the three nannies she employs for each of her children.

“As a woman who’s worked for my dad’s company company ever since graduation, I appreciate the struggle women face in workforce, but I think if more women just applied themselves to being born better, this could be avoided.”

Problem is that most the women that voted for him don’t need or have minimum wage jobs. It’s the class warfare that they themselves have been decrying with tax rate increases.

Waiting for the follow up from Ivanka condemning this article with all of its fallacies. After all, Donald is a great father who wants to bed her. What more could a girl want? Blerg!