
Don’t forget all the shit she said about Cheetolini back when she was working for Ted Cruz.

She has made a shit ton of money being the paid mouthpiece for a vulgar, uninformed, dangerously un-qualified candidate who, GODDESS HELP US, is now our president-elect. Because she is indeed smart, I would say smarter than pretty much everyone else associated with Trump, she knows he’s a gigantic turd and I guarantee

Kellyanne, Jason Miller, Anthony Scary-Moocher, Sean Spicer and Steve Cortes. 4 Horseman and 1 to muck the stalls

She hangs out with white supremacists, if you overlook that it speaks volumes about you too.

Despite it being asked by Fox, it’s not a stupid question, as Ms. Conway had repeatedly said she would not be able to do the job as she had four small children at home. Here is a CNN post from earlier this month where she makes comments related to that sentiment. (IMO, she was holding out. And she got want she

It’s funny because she has been a shill of the right for a looongg time. Only earlier this year after Don ripped Cruz a new asshole, she crawled out of it and into bed with Mango Mussolini. Bitch is a fucking psycho/sociopath

No. Stop doing this.

Yes! It’s like her brain lens has literal filters that literally color every idea she spouts and distorts it into one of three predictable shades (note: not shade shade.).

Have you seen the last time she was on Maddow? Rachel effed her up.

I’ve yet to see anyone make Rachel Maddox weep- except for maybe at the state of our country.

1) I’d imagine she thinks about what she’s doing tomorrow. A conscience is for other people!

“If your respect for her hinges on whether you personally agree with her politics, then that speaks volumes about you who are than who she is.”

A more appropriate question would be How will you be able to balance your duties as a mother while being such and insufferable cunt?

Game recognizes game, and Kellyanne Conway is terrifying precisely because she’s poised. I don’t know if she believes the bullshit she spouts but I think she believes she has to believe it.

It’s amazing what you can do when you are completely unbound by truth or morals, but then you would have known that if you weren’t a raging alcoholic and chronic masturbator.

What will her title be? Chief Whiner and Deflector?

This would be funny if it weren’t another extremely tired Bill Clinton slam. Conway wasn’t aiming for humor here.

She’s a bleach-blonde shit-filled Slim Jim masquerading as a human being...but I LOL’d hard at that quasi-shady response.

I really can’t stand her. (Look, people who said I voted for Hillary just because I have a vagina: I’m not supporting this powerful person just because she’s a woman! See how that works? #stillangry)

Does anyone else just absolutely despise this woman with the burning passion of 1000 suns? I thought when she turned down a WH job initially that there might be at least one tiny bit of solace I could take, but no. She had to go and kill that too.