
You know why game movies fail? Because the people who make them have never played the game.

I really don’t understand why they needed to lean so hard on the modern segments to sell this film. No one has ever bought the AC games for their modern-day sections. It’s been because they want to play a crazy ninja pirate in a beautifully realized historical setting. Are studio execs really that worried audiences

Does he jump into a hay cart? Cuz that’s a deal-breaker if he doesn’t.

Nobody can climb a wall properly?

It’s also of note that The Center for Medical Progress was found guilty of stitching those videos together.

The maternal mortality rate in Texas is higher than any industrialized nation. Cutting funding to PP will make that worse. Women will die. This is alt-pro-life.

Oh, when the rich husband demands an abortion, he’ll make it happen.

It’s already scary high.

It’s clear that these assholes don’t really care about women or children, but they do care about money. They should do the math and realize that every abortion saves hundreds of thousands of dollars in government programs. If that’s too much for their puny brains (math is hard!) they can look at the following easy to

Republicans go on and on about choosing your own health care provider through privatization and vouchers unless you choose PP.

You mean the maternal death rate will rise. Which it will. But then they don’t care if women die.

The problem with Dem messaging is that it tends to be based on the truth. The truth is not something that any Republican has ever heard of, so they’re free to go balls to the wall with their lies.

This is shameful. The GOP has effectively painted Planned Parenthood as an organization that only exists to hand out abortions at will. The GOP politicians knows that this is a lie but they do not care, they stay on message. They do not deviate from that message until the message is reflected into the laws of the

Goddamned fucking Texas. They just will not quit. They don’t get to force women to have funerals for their abortions (temporarily, at least) so by god, these women need to suffer somehow. So let’s make sure the STD rate in the state skyrockets, cervical, ovarian, and breast cancers go undetected until it’s too late,

I’ll allow it.

If it is not directly affecting blonde Christian size two women with big boobs, it is not real; them’s the brakes.

Watch the bad health shifts, suicides, and makeshift abortions rise in the state if one were to already understand the amount of health related issues women suffer in places they cannot get proper care.

Ann Richards is up in heaven or wherever just screaming.