
“None of these chicken wings are natural. We have always filled gaps in the taste pallet with the sauces of other dishes. And if their taste was pure, many of them would taste quite different. But you didn’t ask for reality. You asked for more hot sauce.”

I’d settle for B.D. Wong’s Fashion Tips videos.

“...alienate Republicans further.” Which Republicans? The ones who are in office (who will ultimately do what their constituencies want) or the citizens who vote? Trump alienated the former all the way to the White House to the adoring cheers of the latter.

Thanks. I agree, though with some of what he does it’s not actually bribery, graft, etc. (though a LOT of it is), but merely conflicts of interest that are, in and of themselves, absolutely disqualifying.

They’re trashy beyond all sense. They really do create their own reality in their own heads. I bet not one person wants to go on this stupid trip for even ten bucks much less a million. I wonder if Evita (Ivanka) will save Uday and Qusay when she jumps ship. I’m curious, though, what do New Yorkers think of them? He

I enjoyed and laughed at this comment, but we need to stop using the phrase “conflict of interest” to describe Trump administration fuckery. Ethics mean zero to these people and their supporters. We need to hammer away with straight-up criminal phrasing, like:

I’m not an immigration lawyer, but my understanding is that if she is prosecuted for it, it could negate any subsequent immigration status, up to and including her citizenship. Obama should state that he knows that there is nothing for her to worry about, but he wants to ensure that she does not have to suffer

They’re above the law. Donald Trump could go on a mass shooting-spree as president and it’d still take 2/3rds of congress to impeach him. And as soon as the first dem congressman votes all the republicans will be like “No! Icky!” and vote No like their contrarian agendas dictate.

Did you just live through this election? Aren’t we seeing the absurdity of candidates he’s putting forward and how deafening the silence is from his side of the aisle? I’m not on this whole gloom and doom thing but I have no hope for any of these behaviors of being rightly prosecuted, if anything, I’ll gain some

To pardon, they have to first admit that wrong doing occurred and enumerate the offenses. I have a hard time seeing Turnip doing that. Moreover, i don’t think you can give a blanket pardon going forward in time. Turnip would have to pardon them again after they repeated the offense.

Typical librul - underplaying BENGAHI!!!1! and EMAILS!!1! tho!

Every time someone says “4 years,” I think they’re being naive. Anyone who thinks we get to have a free and fair election in 2020 with a chance to change leadership is being naive. Once a fascist is in, he never leaves. There will still be lots of money for him and his buddies to make. And I don’t say that to be mean

Kinda makes you miss Nixon doesn’t it. During his administration we got the EPA, OSHA, friendlier relations with China, a less aggressive Russia, and we won the damn Space Race. And Nixon as a whole was a bad president.

No, he’s been doing what all business men do for his entire life. And no one cares about that. This time he’s using the white house plus, he’s pissed off the entire Republican party, and the Democratic party. His supporters may love him but he’s made powerful enemies. They’ll just bid their time and watch while

Really? Because I’m pretty sure nothing matters anymore, congress has no back bone and this family of grifters are about to pull off the greatest con in American history.

Not going to happen. This guy is impervious to anything that gets thrown at him. Honestly we have more than enough evidence to do something now and no one has the courage to. Mostly because the people who could are spineless Repugs who need Trump to rubber stamp thier hateful fuck the poors legislation.

This is true. I know we’re fucked. Just looking for a silver lining.

Well, read what I just wrote about University of Minnesota-that should help!

Lets not get burned out to early everyone. Remember, he hasn’t been inauguirated yet, and we still have four years of this bullshit coming our way. Fuck Trump, and fuck shit heads my like mother and their “Give him a chance crooked Hillary BLAH BLAH DON’T USE MY TAXES TO HELP POORS NOT DIE” bullshit.

I want BD Wong instructional videos in every topic imaginable.