
Pictured: Trump and his private security team.

No, that’s a lie that Trump told when he realized that people were criticizing him for the call.

The outcry isn’t about the diplomatic breach. It’s about the fact that he was tricked into falling back asswards into it. He got played. He isn’t even the president yet, and he’s already accidentally causing international crises at the whim of unaccountable actors.

No. If nothing else, it is Trump attempting to arrogate Presidential authority that is not yet his to exercise.

I’m surprised/not surprised how many Trump supporters seem to want revenge more than a society that works. I mean, what they really want to see is us pesky know-it-all elites punished and hurt. A functioning government is not what they are concerned with. I see them expressing it in overt and covert ways. They are

I do understand it- but that is no reason to not challenge it or challenge China.

He had no business shifting that stance while there is another president residing in the oval. Obama has to deal with the immediate aftereffects.

I am the fiercest critic of Trump there is but I never understood the outcry of his call with Taiwan.

I just came here because I have to spill my guts and can’t do it anywhere else.

Kissinger helped usher in the Khmer Rouge. He can fuck off with his shitty opinions.

Any of my fellow North Carolinians who need help not totally despairing over our politics right now need to follow State Senator Jeff Jackson if you’re not already. The man is a goddamn hero in this current bullshittery.

“The entire General Assembly will be up for reelection in 2017 in newly drawn districts, after a judge ruled that the current maps drawn by the legislature were illegally gerrymandered.” - Politico

I hate the NC GOP like I hate the Nazis.

Has anybody actually read this bill? Or have a link to the legislation itself? No story I can find actually links to it.

The left has not risen since the 60's. We need to re-start weather underground. We need weathermen. I’m down to start right now.

Whiny babies, the republicans are basically whiny babies, and they are getting their way like most whiny babies. I swear politics is the toddler playground on a global scale!

The party of white nationalists wants to act like African dictators?

I’m Canadian, and growing up, North Carolina was America to me, because that’s where my grandparents lived and we would always go there. So many of my favourite memories are from Kakalaka... the mall in Raleigh (got my Carolina blue Jordan II’s there), Carowyn’s amusement park, the science museum in Charlotte, my

GOP logic: Can’t win legitimately, then cheat. Can’t win despite cheating, shit on the winner’s desk and demand they work around it.

North Carolinian here. I put a curse on that smarmy bastard McCrory. Boils were supposed to appear on his forehead spelling out “rotten loser”. I guess I’ll have to try again.😟