Debt isn’t good or bad. It just is. You might as well say that my couch is bad, or that coffee is bad, or that a convection oven is bad. None of these things are inherently good or bad. They are things. They are tools.
Debt isn’t good or bad. It just is. You might as well say that my couch is bad, or that coffee is bad, or that a convection oven is bad. None of these things are inherently good or bad. They are things. They are tools.
Banks are doing that right now. With interest rates as low as they are, they get a better return, by borrowing money at 0-1% and buying t-bills that pay out at 3%+. While the numbers are different, the concept is the same, if it’s low risk and makes financial sense, why not do that?
I’m not an American, and don’t live in America. So no butt hurt here. I just like to laugh at you since you are now the worlds joke!
If there’s going to be an all out nuclear war, do you think that we could schedule it before my levels of disappointment in humanity make me kill myself first?
In the last two weeks (beginning Dec 3rd) the timeline is... Trump calls Taiwan > China issues a formal complaint > Trump says we aren’t bound by the one china policy on Fox News > China warns this risks peace > China steals a sub. That is a fourteen day turnaround, and they literally warned us about this pissing them…
“We are renaming it Taiwannasee.”
Perhaps, just perhaps. Two incidents 15 years apart may have different causes.
We could take Taiwan out on a date and totally grab them by the pussy right in front of China.
Maybe its Gyro malfunctioned
Reagan took down the Berlin Wall, Trump will take down The Great Wall.
Robosexuality is an abomination!
Step 1: Walk into Walmart...
I am that asshole.
No, I got it.
We could take Taiwan out on a date and totally make out with them right in front of China.
Why? It’ll just gonna break in a week.
Looks like dismissing the one china policy is already having consequences.
Send in the seals!
Are we sure the robo-sub wasn’t defecting? Was it was concerned about the future of robosexual rights under the next president?