
During the next 20 years:

Some parts aren’t as short-sighted. My favorite proposal is the one to make the Election Board Chairperson more “fair” by alternating which party holds it. Republicans are willing to give the chair to Democrats in all odd-numbered years if the GOP gets the even-numbered years. But of course, that would mean the GOP

Thanks for that. It’s teeth grindingly insane. Wonder how long till the next children’s crusade...

I mean, how far, really, is Christian fundamentalism away from our “avowed” enemy Islamic fundamentalism?

They’ve had to gerrymander the state to death to maintain a foothold and they know it, and they know people know it, and a full-on panic is underway.

Because I respect fucking more than God

Yeah I found the changes they’rte trying to make to the elections board especially alarming. It’s next level villainous shit to try to guarantee by law that the GOP has control of the election boards in every single election year from here on out.

Yes, was hopeful about that, until I saw that they scheduled democrats would chair the board of elections in odd years, and republicans would chair it is even year I.e., election years. This is some sneaky bullshit here.

A very important part of this new legislation that isn’t covered in the article is that the Governor will no longer have control over the Board of Elections...

There have been rumblings about the NC legislature expanding the Supreme Court from 7 to 9 justices in this last session so McCrory can appoint 2 more conservatives before leaving office. The single driving goal of Republicans in NC and nationwide is to place America under one party rule.

Actually, not mentioned here are a few other changes to election boards and to the courts. Basically, they are trying to prevent or delay any reforms to the election system that might threaten their legislative supermajority. If they can do that, I’m betting they are just assuming that once they get a new Republican

. . . Just like the 50s, except for the high tax rates on corporations and millionaires, strong unions, and a GOP platform that wasn’t batshit crazy, of course. Just the being able to oppress/terrorize/make fun of: women, black people, immigrants, people from other religions, the disabled, gay people . . . basically

Yet they’re also the first ones to tell everyone how America is the land of the free, home of the brave, blah blah blah. Yet they’re cowards who would gladly give up freedom if it meant the country could go back to being just like the 50's.

Democrats need to wake up... you are not dealing with political opponents. With political opponents, there is a baseline agreement on what the rules are and where the boundaries of ethics should be. What we have here is an egregious lack of good faith political participation with a brazen grab for total power by any

Gotta love how the last election, which got us a Dem Gov, AG, and new Supreme Court justice, has Republicans trying to cheat so they can cement themselves into power. They know the tide is turning and rather than coming to grips with the fact that their ideologies are fully at odds with over 50% of the state

Lindsay Graham? Not that I agree with him on a lot of issues, but he’s been pretty consistently anti-Trump.

Straight up assault on democracy.

The fucking NC GOP is absolutely GD determined to run this state right into the ground, and they don’t give one fuck who it hurts, including their stupid asshole selves.

That’s one way to interpret that sentence...

required people to use the bathroom on their birth certificates