
People keep saying how wrong the polls were. While they may have overestimated Clinton’s numbers - and in actuality, they probably didnt. There is a theory that the Comey fiasco in the last week changed everything - Trump’s national number is really not that far off from what he was polling.

Once again the self-righteous right exposes itself as the most ignorant group of fucks around.

My now-estranged devoutly religious mother once baked a cake on Christmas Eve for Jesus’ birthday and made us sing Happy Birthday, Jesus. The cake had lit candles and everything. Another year, as soon as I made a present request that she found too pricey, she reminded me that it was Jesus’ birthday, not mine. To be

Maybe “Frohliche Weihnachten” would be more appreciated by the neo-Nazis....oh, sorry, the “alt-right”.....oh, forget it, the “bigoted assholes”.

Just remind your father that Christmas isn’t a holiday celebrating the birth of Christ, it was appropriated from Western European Paganism as a way to indoctrinate them toward Christianity. Just start saying “Happy Winter Solistice”.

I trolled a comment page somewher out in Real ‘Merica with my hope that Trump would convince Congress to move Hannukah to February so that “we” could go back to saying Merry Christmas without offending any minorities. It was well-received.

People are completely misunderstanding what Trump meant.

To this day I simultaneously relish/commiserate that these same people are celebrating the birth of a Jew from two thousand years ago.

We should go back to saying Merry X-Mas. That would really piss them off.

If Hillary won the college, and “lost” the popular by a single vote, I suspect there would armed insurrection in the woods of Georgia and shit, so I have no problem with reminding the conservatards about the popular vote and being “a sore loser” every chance I get.

I wish I could do an extra star for Roswell.

I’m sorry but “Feliz Navidad” just doesn’t jibe with the spirit of the New America.

Well, the joke’s on them, because I’m going to start wishing everyone Feliz Navidad.

I can’t bring myself to link to it here but Breitbart is very excited today, as are thousands of their commenters, because Glorious Leader is going to start saying “Merry Christmas” (apparently this was banned under Obama.) This is headline news, folks, and the liberal media is ignoring it.

They are Throgs.

How about just calling them “bigoted assholes”? Covers all the bases. Bigotry against women, people of other races and sexual preferences...all covered by the general term “bigoted asshole”. It has the added benefit of being a simple, easy to understand phrase. These bigoted assholes were trying to dress up their

As a straight white Jewish dude (who likes to think of himself as woke) the most pathetic thing about these douchebags is how desperately insecure they are. I’ve never seen so many failures venerate themselves so much.

‘He seems particularly enamored of Rule 48, “Assume Formlessness”: “Be mentally agile. Make it hard for you to be pigeon-holed. Move swiftly and surely to new topics and rhetorical lines of attack before foes have the time and floppy-wristed back-up to fully digest the nature of their vivisected egos and to mount a

The alt-right (neo-nazis) are triggered man-babies that need a safe space from dealing with reality.