
Lowering something’s google rank I don’t think is censorship. Not everything can be the top google hit. That is a very very VERY fine line, yes, but I think one that Google can and should be able to balance.

First, no one is saying censor them. Simply that there is no reality in which storm front is THE most relevant result.

Romney saw a possible opportunity to get inside the beast and try to be a voice of reason from within.

Most liberals are in favour of suppression of hate speech since the world has seen in places like Nazi Germany and Rwanda how terrible the consequences of hate speech can be.

Yeah, this makes no sense. Google is in the information business (really advertising but that’s another issue). It’s oft-stated goal is to organize and make accessible all the world’s information. Showing false information in response to a search query is failing in its most basic task. It shouldn’t remove sites from

I don’t think the problem here is the fact that the page comes up at all in the search results, it’s that it’s the first fucking thing that pops up when you type in the question “did the holocaust happen.” I don’t think it’s asking too much to maybe just have a few real results that at least point out that, yes, the

we owe them 1.157 trillion dollars, right?

Aw shucks. Not 35, though, and unlike some people I actually respect the Constitution.

The why is likely Bob Dole, who’s now in the cabinet. He is being paid by Taiwan as a consultant/lobbyist and has been throughout the Trump campaign.

He blocked me on Twitter two years ago. Apparently I said something that hurt his fee fees.

Yeah, forget the wall. The way this guy is “presiding”, we should put caution tape around America.

Oh I think he knows...

If Trump was actually conspiring with the Russians to weaken our international standing while simultaneously undermining public faith in all our important institutions, what exactly would he be doing differently?

Still thinking they’re right.

They’re absolutely delusional. If Trump were to bring back slavery and you passed one of them during your 18 hour shift in the Twitter mines, they would say “You know, slavery would have been much worse until Hillary.” 

So what’s going to happen first- Russia is going to be in charge of us, China’s going to attack our interests, Iran is going to follow through on their threats if we pull out of the deal, or China, North Korea, and Iran are going to work together to hit us while we are weak. I’m only half joking.

No, he understands the stock and death threats thing just fine. It’s a weapon.

They’re psyched to build sand castles on the deck of the Titanic. They never really wanted a functioning democracy in the first place- it was all about creative destruction for them

The same. Because they are dumb.

He is soooooooo dummmmmbbbbbbb