
My parents, both smart people by most reckonings, voted for Trump. This has shaken me more than I thought possible. I believed with all of my heart that they would abstain from voting. While Hillary wasn’t an option because they are staunch Republicans, Trump proved himself to be the opposite of everything they’d

He did speak with Gore, then appointed the exact opposite of Gore to head up the EPA the next day

Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m sure there are some pretty intelligent racists in the mix, too.

I read a while back that his speeches were at a 5th grade level. I don’t remember where though. I also heard the Chinese president(PM?) has eidetic memory and we have Trump, prayers.

But if Mike Pence was one of his “good decisions”, why did he try to back out of it at the last minute? For the record, Pence was one of the lowest rated and least liked governors in the nation per polling of their own state. The lowest polled governors tend to be Republican. Even Republicans hate them but they keep

No, I’m with you. And it’s not just the vocabulary thing— where he is stuck using the same words (tremendous, beautiful, great) to describe things. He also just doesn’t speak like a normal person. But consider this quoted in Slate:

My maternal grandfather had Alzheimer’s; it presents differently than what we’re seeing in Drumpsterfire. I really am beginning to wonder if he has some kind of cognitive disorder.

Seems like a pretty rational response...

My 9 year old pitbull Agatha speaks better than DJT,-english being her second language.

The problem is that his massive deregulation WILL create a short-term boom. The problem is it will also cripple the global economy and send us into another repression. Let’s just hope it occurs before the end of his 1st term.

Something to keep in mind: Trump’s father had Alzheimers, with an onset right about the age that Trump is now.


Oh, I understand campaigning at a reduced level, but look at the way these people talk normally, and you’ll see a marked difference between Obama and Hillary’s speech patterns and those of Drumpsterfire. It’s like he actually can’t string words together in cognizant, whole sentences; everything is sentence fragments

Actually a little above a fourth grade level. It’s done on purpose also. There’s been numerous studies that politicians who campaign at a reduced comprehension levels do better. You attract a larger audience of people. JFK used to speak around a 13.9 grade level. Obama and Hilary? 8th grade level.

His ratings already have dropped below W. He will be entering office with the lowest approval ratings of any recent president.

I’m curious: Has anyone ever analyzed his speech patterns to see at what cognitive level he’s functioning? It doesn’t sound like he’s thinking or speaking at a college level, but more like 6th or 8th-grade levels. Is that why he’s not taking the security briefings? Are the concepts involved too complex for him and his

No other country on earth has the latitude our free speech laws accord to hate speech.

“The only way to stop it is if he becomes unpopular.”

This sounds crazy, but I sort of think that if the right people get to him and stroke his ego, he might be less terrible? Like maybe Obama and, to a lesser degree, people like Gore, see that and are trying to mitigate the damage. Trump has no thoughts, just feelings and impulses. Use that, even if you feel dirty about