
Keep in mind who we’re talking about, though. Bigot, misogynist, xenophobe, loudmouthed braggart; comparatively speaking, hypocrite is nearly a compliment.

I’m not having a tough time at all. I’m a little surprised at the conservative bent of the Jalop readership, and equally surprised that a bunch of (presumed) middle to upper middle class people would leap to the defense of a billionaire, but that’s about it.

the top 10% of earners pay something like 95% of all taxes

No, we’ve got someone who thinks if you can afford a $35 million jet, you can afford the attendant taxes on said jet. I know it’s a scandalous point of view, but bear with me. That said, if your small business (I presume you own and operate one) has a $35 million jet, I would very much like to be one of your employees.

There is a difference between a deduction and shuffling a $35 million jet around subsidiaries to avoid paying taxes. It’s called false equivalence, and I’m sure you’re aware of that.

So, legal loopholes exist, the people who made the rule book did so to favor themselves and their friends (the wealthy), but “one of the main points of this country [is] equality?” You see the irony in that, right? The argument that “as long as everyone is playing by the same rule book and follows it” falls apart if

Frederic Bastiat also said that public education was an unwarranted redistribution of wealth. and we know how that works out for nations that don’t provide public education (they’re all third world) and for nations that do provide free, public education (i.e., the G20)

Sure, also cheating on your wife is not illegal, but it is highly immoral and has severe consequences.

That is not how a flat tax works. A flat tax, would by its very definition, overtax the poor and middle class while undertaxing the rich. It’s not a balance by any stretch of the imagination.

This is a bunch of gibberish. Tax loopholes are obviously designed for the wealthy because they are the only people who will ever be in a position to take advantage of them.

There ya go. All these people with all this you better stand for the anthem and don’t burn flags and vote for Trump bullshit are full of shit. You’re a patriot, serve in the military. Pay taxes. I’ve done both. Other people found a way out of it.

Well, it’s a good job he released all his tax returns and removed all doubt then isn’t it.

Did you not read the article?

Sure, it’s an apparently legal loophole.

...To use just one of your examples, you don’t see the difference between not paying taxes on a jet and contributing to a 529 — which is, by its nature designed to grow tax-free?

How about I continue to hate everything about him because he has put me and my family in greater harm of being attacked because of the color of my skin, by telling welcoming in terrorists responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in this country telling them that it is their time to shine? Am I allowed to be

Nieve? Lol What’s that?

Naive, you mean? I know. I like it when people pay taxes so the government can afford to provide services. And I particularly like it when people wealthy enough to buy and pay taxes on a jet pay the taxes on their jet, without knocking it through a variety of subsidiaries. But fuck me, right?

You don’t see a difference between a family utilizing tax breaks and the owner of a prosperous company playing monkey in the middle with the taxes on a jet?

It wouldn’t bother me so much if he didn’t have a long history of tax shaming others.