
NOW yer thinking like a big 3 automaker!

Bye Earth.

Say good-bye to any chance of clean water or clean air. This was exactly what the Koch Bros. wanted.

To the Jill Stein voters on my Facebook feed who refused to vote for Hillary because there was “no time left to compromise” on climate protection efforts: this is what you voted for. Good job.

As an Oklahoman... fuck this guy, y’all. He’s fucking terrible.

I have a theory that Trump is nominating Secretaries of certain departments people that he knows to be either grossly unqualified or uniquely able to privatize them. I think his goal with the EPA and the Department of Education is to dismantle and eventually privatize them. Ditto HUD, where he’s going to come out in


They might be second car’s for many people but the market research says you’re wrong — More people every day realize the battery capacity and range works just fine for them. Your opinion simply does not match with the quickly-changing perceptions among car buyers.

If I have a Bolt (with 238 miles of range), and drove to work and back (40 mile round trip), I’d be down to 198 miles. Lets say, I come home, plug in for 30 min, and then get a call that I need to drive somewhere 90 min (call it 90 miles away) in an emergency. 30 min of 30 Amp charging replenished 15 miles of range.

Corporation opts for short term solution to long term problem, news at eleven.

Takes me 20 seconds to plug my car in every night, and I wake up to full tank every morning. What’s your point?

Big governments have been consistently better than small governments for the economy.

The power of compound intrest makes it very fast growth. 2017 is expected to grow 50%

But you can’t re-fuel at home and start each day with 250 miles of range

Range is good enough for at least 50% of motorists.

They are up 30% from 2015 sales. I don’t know why people say they aren’t selling

I think the problem with this article is that it suggests that Ford is against these regulations because of Trump. They’re not. Automakers have been pushing hard against the EPA’s CAFE regulations for years. It just so happens that they now have a President Elect who agrees with them.

People like this think it’s “funny” and “cute” and “edgy” to do the Nazi salute. They need to crack open a history book... and then take that book and shove it up their fucking ass because no amount of education will make them see the light. These people don’t deserve my love, sorry.

I see no reason to give shitstains like this the benefit of the doubt. They had a chance. And they voted for Trump. That was their chance and they fucked it up.