
A few days after the election I had this thought: “If you told me 10 years ago today that the Cubs would win the World Series one week and the next, the Donald would be elected president, I would have believed that. It sounds depressing enough to be completely true.”

THIS. Once Florida elected a super-villain governor, this was bound to happen.

Please. She sold her soul when she agreed to work for the Trump campaign. She won’t do it unless things start going downhill for him and she can parlay this to even more bucks and fame.

Tiffany Trump or her mother.

I’ve said it before, when he speaks..hell just stands there he reminds me of my father at the height of his alcoholism.

CNN is more committed to ratings than to news. I haven’t paid any attention to them since they got the ACA verdict from SCOTUS wrong.

Fascists only care about democracy insomuch as it is one means to acquire power. Once they have power, they see democracy as a hindrance.

“The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. The most iniquitous plots may be carried on against their liberty and happiness.

Like you, I too enjoy the evening news. That’s starting to get annoying though. I use to love Morning Joe on MSNBC. No longer as they pander to Drumph so much that I’d say it’s puffery at this point. Drumph has the goods on Mika and Joe and wasn’t to shy about blackmailing them back in August.

It’s IMHO that Tiffany was the one who mailed the tax return to the NY Times. Also that marriage failed because Don The Con was intimidated by an American woman and thus could no longer get it up.

I have a visceral reaction to the way he expresses himself physically when he’s showing contempt for a woman, as he does so often. The eye roll, the smirk, the jokey little shrug. It’s that classic “Bitches are crazy and dumb, amiright?” look.

This lying, cheating, no good sack of shit...

And untruthful. Don’t forget untruthful.

Soft bank, they own Sprint. Likely hoping new administration will allow mergers

Whenever I want to visit what the ‘Upside-Down’ must be like, I go to the Fox News website, where Trump has not only kept 1000 jobs from going to Mexico (a figure that decreases each time it’s written) to a $50B deal with Softel (or something like that. It’s a world where Trump has sold all of his foreign stock back

So, there’s not supposed to be any transparency in the process of the president-elect forming his cabinet. How is that even legal? Couldn’t someone on the staff refuse, get fired, and then take this to court? Assuming anyone on his staff still believes in, ya know, democracy.

Villian don’t say to themselves “hmm, are these devices of torture ethically sourced”

I honestly cannot bear the thought of, for the next four years, watching him point those tiny little fingers when he makes one of his ridiculous, and likely non-factual, statements. There’s something so entitled and asshole-ish about that hand gesture to me at this point.

Isn’t the Constitution, basically, a disclosure agreement between the government and the people?

But, as Politico points out, requiring an intense and restrictive NDA for his transition team could hurt the entire notion of transparency as it relates to government.