
I agree in a general sense...but it’s also why voter suppression, control of state governments (almost all republican-controlled in the swing states), and the gutting of the VRA are so fucking important. Demographic shifts don’t matter when you can blunt their effects by denying those demographics the opportunity to

to his credit, he campaigned tirelessly...

First, they came for the Geocities templates... 

All I know is, in every photograph Steve Bannon looks like he just took a schvitz with his clothes on.

I unstarred this just so I could star it again.

My conservative friends who are POC and Jewish tell me to calm down (they all went Johnson and told me they’d be OK with Hillary but we all live in blue states so it didn’t matter). My liberal GF told me to calm down. This is why I can’t -- and I am a privileged straight white male. So if I’m freaked, I am can only

Someone called him “the bloated washed up corpse of Robert Redford” and now I can’t unsee it.

It’s cool though, all the Midwesterners with delusions that their old factory jobs can magically reappear aren’t *racist*, they just wanted somebody to listen to them.

Imagine looking like that and thinking your genes were superior.

We don’t need grammar Nazis anymore; we have real ones running the show.

pack it up everyone, this thread is done for

Bad as this is — and I don’t mean in any way to minimize it! — the part that’s blowing my mind right now is that the top adviser to the president is somebody who has said his goal is to “destroy the state.” 

And the cooking.

The music fucking sucks too.

Say what you will about Steve Bannon, but the beauty of his soul is only matched by his physical appearance.

In all seriousness, I hope your employee contract reimburses you for therapy visits.

4. Their profile pictures

Thank you for giving me something to smile about after that.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

I could have used this article before masturbating on the subway.