
Sorry, you frankly don’t know what you are talking about. At its foundation, 100% of the states were coastal states, and had zippo to do with why the Electoral College was instated. Its reason for existence is basically to keep the electorate from being shmoozed into electing a bad leader because they could override

I am not surprised. This sounds like every low bidding contractor that submitted a bid at every company I have ever worked for. They nod at everything and promise the world. Against my recommendation, my boss hires them and the contractors have a WTF moment when they realize the scope of work is more complicated

Oh, HELL, no.

KKKlassy indeed.

This was also the adminstration that took money from the federal government to settle refugees and then turned around and refused to do so. Kept the money though. Very classy.

They have to be able to get a Top Secret security clearance at minimum. Many of them will require a Secure Compartmentalized Information clearance and pass a lifestyle polygraph.

He doesn’t have time for half a season (or the patience, and when the sundowning hits, forget it, he gets up and starts wandering around like during the debate). He did manage to watch most of Air Force One and learned that he can push his opponents out the door of a plane into the ocean below. He also like the music.

That is what you get when the master deal maker tried to make a deal with the devil, an lost his soul and now has to work for real.

It’s going to be just Chris Christie, all alone in the West Wing, trying to answer dozens of phones while getting berated because Trump’s McDonald’s order is two hours late.

It’s not quite as surprising as one might think given Trump’s business background. When there’s a hostile takeover of a company, the only people who automatically lose their jobs are however many board members had to be replaced to effectuate the takeover. Everyone else at the takeover target is still employed by it

Maybe. I think it’s more like, “I get to do all the cool shit and delegate all the lame shit,” which would seem to be how he “runs” his “businesses.” “Cool shit” here being making fun speeches and saying “OK” to big policy decisions like mass deportation and gigantic tariffs. “Lame shit” being things like reading and

The best I can hope for is that my cocaine tree sprouts soon.

That kid who heads Project Veritas will be White House Press Secretary for a minute before they’ve find out he legally can’t hold the office due to his inability to acquire a security clearance.

What’s the over/under on how many russian spies end up in the white house staff?

And yet they would, upon completing Seasons 1 - 5, have a far greater understanding than they currently do.

No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!

You mean Donald Trump—the person whose only truly successful venture was a reality show—got into a complicated arrangement with no idea of the scope of the project, how much it would entail he actually do, the prospects for actual work and even more so, possible failure, or how to put people in charge who could

We can laugh at this but they have no idea who to hire or how to hire them.
I don’t know what kind of vetting the CIA and FBI do of new hires, but I’m hoping it’s thorough on whoever Bannon recommends. 

This is my favorite part from the WSJ article:

“OK people, step one is get that statue of Jay Z out of here. He said a lot of nasty things about me.”