
I agree with you, actually, with a few caveats.

Well I would steer clear of tech sites in the foreseeable future. Because come January there will be a lot of political articles about the death of Net Neutrality, the requirement of ISP’s and software manufacturers to allow back doors for the government to be able to access data even if it is encrypted on a phone,

I’ll always remember when the FBI director kindly reminded the entire country that the FBI spent years looking into emails and had new emails!!!! to look at, and then ~9 days later reminded the entire country that actually these new emails were not worth even mentioning so could everyone just pretend they never eeen

What was more powerful than wealth was the fact that Herr Asshat tapped into the hidden misogynist, racist, fearful soul that so many of his supporters have been spoon-fed for decades.

Trump’s strong nationalism, right-wing conservatism, and apparent disregard for the constitution could very well lead to the sort of authoritarian state that fascism brings. Trump already ticks 2 out of 3 boxes, all he needs is a system where the checks and balances fail and allow him to do what he wants. Which is

I never wrote otherwise. What I wrote was that most of the people who voted for Hitler were not strong anti-Semites. Hitler and his Nazi party ran with the anti-Semitic platform from the very beginning, but were only able to capture a few percent of the vote. It was the economic collapse of Germany and a widespread

It says they are headlines and articles that, as editor-at-large of Brietbart, Bannon would have read and approved of.

Yeah, okay, whatever, you just keep thinkin’ that.

I do not doubt that is true, but as the leader, he allowed all those things to be written. He did not retract any of them or discipline the writers for writing hateful garbage. It is absolutely all on him.

Yes, there are a lot of shitbrain racists lurking in America. If American Hitler keeps up with the Eff Over America appointments, things could get awful by the time the mid-term 2018 elections roll around. Then I hope America wakes up and pounds the Republicans.

America has lost its mind that’s how it happened.

Pretty much. Like I still understand and appreciate that jobs are indeed leaving the West and its tough out there but me and my family came to Canada in 2000 with 8 suitcases and nothing else. My Dad went from a VP position at a agri-business multinational in India to handing customers their keys at a Ford dealership

Yup. That’s what I told my Dad. Watch out for the Reichstag Fire II. I don’t see these guys ever giving up power without it coming to normal conclusion of them taking suicide pills in a bunker.

Not an American, but... All the best guys. Take care of each other. Watch out for efforts to lock down their voter base (gerrymandering 2.0, voter ID laws at the federal level)

Well, that has yet to be determined. I mean, a lot of the people who voted for Hitler had no interest in his anti-Semitism or other extremist views. They just wanted someone to bring back their jobs and make their country strong again. Remind you of anyone?

I’m Canadian but I adore America as well and I feel like all this is some sort of bad dream. How can this be allowed to happen? How is half of such an advanced country so hell-bent on going back to the 18th century? It doesn’t make any sense. I’m originally from India and even though it’s screwed up in many ways,

Half of eligible voters didn’t vote at all. Roughly 25% elected Trump. You’re making a bad argument, and arguing with the wrong point.

Dubya was reelected. Never underestimate the power of stupid people to vote against their own interests.

Yes, and we look forward to another 8 years of Republicans finding excuses to give out government welfare to the rich and to corporations, tank the economy, destroy jobs, kill more American soldiers, and to deport and demonize as many brown people as possible.