
As others have noted, he’s not a successful business man. He took 200 million of his daddy’s dollars and underperformed the overall market for decades and, by the way, screwed average American workers at every step in the process. We know that tax cuts for wealthy individuals doesn’t spur the economy, but he’s going

Of course it has, but then he started out with access to more capital ($31m real dollars) than 99% of Americans so is that even particularly remarkable?

Don’t you mean that his grandfather’s real estate business is worth $3.7 billion dollars?

“Every intelligence organization in the world estimates that between 10-25% of Muslims support the extremists ideals”

cause 99% of americans don’t get millions of dollars from daddy to make it in the business

Compared to 99% of Americans

Check out his budget plan, because it’s a shining example of just how massively inept a businessman he is... Even with the most optimistic numbers and outcomes, it’s going to slightly enrich the middle class (by a few hundred dollars a year) and attract some jobs, but it’s also going to massively increase

Thank you. He inherited a pile of money, invested in NYC real estate (aka the family business) at a time when a blind, developmentally delayed possum could make money if he had a trust fund to fall back on and by most accounts, he made a series of strategic decisions of mixed wisdom (Trump Air, Trump Water), and left

But he began with an advantage that 99% of Americans would never enjoy.

Given that he was golden spooned $100 million dollars, and lost much of it in his supposed business ventures, if you were given $100 million and still couldn’t find your ass with both hands, well, you’re not a good business person, or a smart one.

Not a sucessful businessman at all. Successful at ripping people off but even then he is a loser in the business world.

Did either of you two idiots even bother to look up what those two drugs treat? Or stop, put yourselves in their shoes, and consider how you might feel? Show some god damn compassion for once in your life.

World’s greatest con-man. He didn’t rise to power on knowledge or values.

He’s not a business person. He’s “the face of the brand.” When Norm McDonald dresses up like Colonel Sanders, that doesn’t mean he controls Kentucky Fried Chicken’s business operations.

As a gay man, I’m just going to stand here and give you a really shitty look for a second about how it “doesn’t seem that bad.” Yeah. Empowering religious types and dissolving my legal marriage probably won’t sting too hard.

There is such a thing as a “successfully bad” business person. These are the ones who understand that as long as you don’t stiff your lawyers or accountants you can stiff everyone else.

“Well, he didn’t fail at winning the election.”

Fact-checking has a well-known liberal bias.

Yes, please, let Grandpa run the internet.