
Here’s the deal: you elected someone who promised to blow the trains up. That’s (relatively) easy. Making the trains run on time is significantly harder.

I dont like government mandated racism either. I was conservative until this election cycle.

You’ve had first hand experience with all the people who’ve voted for Trump? You write in so many sentence fragments, never mind all the grammatical errors.

Loser. I’m a non college educated white millionaire. Sounds like you were too dumb to figure out the system.

To me it looks like a lot of unemployed 20-somethings that feel they are entitled to a six-figure job because they graduated from uni.

Real problems are not being able to get a good education in the first place because of your race. Not being able to walk the streets without being bothered by police. Getting slurs,

Problem with a global world: things equalize.

I get it — going for an expensive college degree to have a shitty paying job. I’ve BEEN there. I went into tech, as well. If a company pays those “ridiculously low” wages for garbage employees, they won’t be around long.

There are also many, many companies that pay a

You support a guy who gets love from the actual fucking KKK.

“YOU are the problem, sir. And as long as you blame imaginary external factors for your problems, REAL problems that REAL people face will be pushed aside as also fallacies.”

Re-read that until it clicks.

To paraphrase our great new uber-Christian president, “Fuck off and die, loser.”

Yes, most seventy year old trust funders who’ve lived their entire lives in privilege, getting or taking whatever they wanted, and whose credo is “If they hit you, hit them back ten times harder,” change their entire personalities overnight.

It is a virtual certainty that you were not denied jobs because of your color. Those of us who are familiar with your field of study know that companies hire a lot of H1B visa workers, because they can pay them a lot less than American workers, and that further depresses wages across the industry. That those workers

“Trump might he like that, but from first hand experience of people that voted for Trump, none of them (or I) are any of those things. Not at all.

so the tantrum from all that population, as a revolt to the establishment, voted for someone who cares even less about that same population, and has been in bed with the establishment forever?

yep, definitely.
I’ll hang myself to prove my point ?!?!

Instead, why didn’t they vote for the third candidate massively to show

You may not be a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc... but you voted for somebody who is. Just as Trump is empowered by these forces, he is empowering them in return. There is a push further and further to a hard right, beyond which is fascism. Hitler stoked economic uncertainty and job loss and

I don’t think you grasped my post. Take my post above to heart. I didn’t mean to say you shouldn’t look out for yourself, you totally should! There are always going to be people worse off, for sure. But we shouldn’t be actively part of adding to that!

I have promised to strive not to do personal attacks. That ‘fuck you’ was directed at your reasoning, and not you as a person.

So allow me, if you will, to do a little exercise:

Are you 1) 20 something? 2) Angry at paying out the nose for an education you were promised would bring you financial success to only have that

God, I can’t believe this needs to be said... You are noticing an “increased disfavor” because white males have enjoyed an unfair advantage literally since before the US was a nation. You aren’t seeing unfairness towards white males, you are witnessing a small amount of fairness being slowly extended to people who

Awww, you poor white male, you! Come sit on Uncle Donald’s lap and let him tell you the classic tale of the great White Nationalist resurgence!