So it's a Congressional investigation, not Senate? Will it be bumped up or will it say in Congress ?
So it's a Congressional investigation, not Senate? Will it be bumped up or will it say in Congress ?
Oh man I remember that show!
Someone should totally cosplay Conan the Pimp. It would be Legendary.
Oh interesting.
I wonder if there is a Jewish/Islamic or any other equivalent to this or this is only is a thing among Christians.
Oh man I loved Emma Bull's Finder, I really hope there is another story of him in the collection.
This is been happing to me since friday. It's really annoying since I need it to use Hulu +,and I really want to get the ME2 add-on that came out.
This is par for the corse in Bollywood.
Well, thats more nightmare fuel yet again.
Chuck, Fringe, Community and others are not available through Hulu + , online only. But they have House, 30 rock , Parks and Rec, Castle and others.
Wow that much hate...
Sorry Nu-Treak, I loved BTTF when I was a kid and still would trade in my car for a Delorean( with a decent engine in it)
Thats freaky yet adorable.
Seriously , it should be Space Law.
The Doctor Who version of Primer? Or a preview of whats to come?
Well, it's a disaster.
To be fair he does have the beard for it.
Oh Roy, we all know what you are thinking.