
I feel bad for the all the deckhands who have to clean up that monster gunk on the flight deck.

I think its running time too. 45 min is good for a philosophy lesson,1:45 is too long for one, especially when there are spaceships and aliens.

On a 4 viewing I spotted Klingons getting they butts kicked yet again.

Yah, sorry I forgot to type "my" in there.

It's my belief that a good Trek movie is a swashbuckler, along the lines of Errol Flynn. A good Trek ep, is more philosophical, mostly because they didn't have the budget for the action-y stuff.

The good new and bad news of this movie. The good news it's directed by an Oscar winner, the bad new it's directed by the same guy who made X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Whoa, I remember watching this on UPN back it the day...

So, we're closer to Robots vs Wrestlers?

Thats my theory too, and that the Mandarin is/has something to do with Asgard

He's still has that ridiculous get up :/

I kinda hope in the S.H.I.E.L.D tv show they will explain how did this get by them.

Wait, does the Mandarin have a Cap tattoo on his neck?

Ok, I'm calling it, The Mandarin is from Asgard and the rings are tied to the Infinity Gauntlet somehow.

I really really hope that the trailer for Steven Spielberg's Lincoln will premiere in front of this.

Is it bad that I think its kinda cool?

Kids are kinda indestructible.

That would be awesome if it's true.


Most likely festival screenings and such. Shorts don't really make it to the larger market nowadays but get a lot of play at film festivals.

I think the thing thats going to suck the most is that they probably can't get Andrew Garfield's Spidey in The Avengers.