
It's in the same vein as The Goonies, Explorers, and 80's kids adventure movies.

This looks like a movie that I would have seen when I was in Day Camp as a kid during movie time. I cannot wait for this now.

Seriously that should be Space Law.

Season 4= Butt Naked Eric season.

People are finicky about things. I honestly think that people are overreacting to it. They increased the font size and improved the gallery posts.

Yah, well ones that are this friendly. Or Awesome.

The users are a tad more finicky than other sites like Kotaku. It's really sad that we lost so many.

Double click.

AWWW!!! Tiny Robots!!!

Time to go to Singapore again!

Wait wait , number 8 almost happen ? I almost was born in Gotham city! Damnit!

I think it's a branch of folklore, which is a fascinating subject in itself.

It's called instant ramen.

Damn it ! You beat to the Jobs joke!

Oh awesome.

I still use that bag, dead useful sometimes.

Damn, I'm a sucker for bags... I will have to think about this.

Is it me or is there a troubling amount Dutch Angels going on?

Well , now May can't get here soon enough.