Salted Watermelon

We sang it at swim team.  But in our version, the sharks ate the swimmer.

I let my son watch this video when I cut his nails. Surprisingly effective at keeping his attention.

I found out I was pregnant as early as I possibly could’ve - because we were actively trying and I understand biology and my menstrual cycle. I didn’t even get a positive on a pregnancy test until the day my period was due (five days before your missed period, my ass!). And I was still considered to be 4 weeks

That’s exactly what I thought. I was really hoping for some Phyllis Nefler tributes and I’m very sad that isn’t going to happen.

This makes me so grateful for my husband. He’s a Firefighter, so he works 2/24 hours shifts per week. I work a standard 9-5 job. We both technically work full-time, but his schedule allows him to be a mostly stay-at-home dad. I haven’t had to give up my career, and yes, it’s tough on the days he works because I have

See, I would totally buy a non-racist version of this sweater. I’m currently pregnant and sensitive to smells, but my office mate tends to eat really fragrant food. I would love anything that allows me to cover my nose. She also throws everything away in her trashcan instead of bringing it down to the garbage in the

I’m still traumatized from volleyball. At my middle school, each gym class would have this round robin tournament and the winners from each class would have to go on and play in front of the entire grade on Field Day. Which was an awesome chance to make a fool out of yourself in front of the entire grade if you

My husband is a Firefighter, and so has a weird schedule where he only works 2 24 hour shifts per week. Meanwhile, I work a more normal 9-5 job. As such, most of the standard domestic tasks (i.e., cooking, grocery shopping, raising our child, etc.) fall to him.

I did exactly this for almost a year. It was a huge pain in the ass, took a large chunk out of my day, and I didn’t even pump enough milk to avoid supplementing with formula. Not to mention the comments from coworkers about how “you’re still breastfeeding?”, and the people who would schedule me for meetings even

Pregnancy forums are the devil. I’m pretty sure they only exist so people can give pregnant women panic attacks or shame them.

A year after I finished college, I was working as a Legal Assistant in a small law firm. After our Christmas party, I went with a few colleagues to a bar to continue the party (significant others were not invited). Everyone was drunk, and we were all dancing in a group. One of the Partners started grinding with me,

Seriously. Speaking as a woman and the wife of a Fire Fighter, fuck these anti-choice assholes. This is domestic terrorism and should be treated as such.