Salt and Bees

Heaven forfend! They used a portion of today’s internet ration to discuss a wildly popular game! Now how will they report on one of those common Friday evening gaming news stories since they’ve used up all the internet? And then they forced you to click and read it! It’s tragic.

You’re joking, but actually I’m pretty serious about this. I try to avoid being friends with anyone I might cover. It’s a hassle, because, among other things, sometimes you might have to run a story that the friend would find unflattering. And then you can’t help but think about how it might piss them off.

For real. And that’s got to be a disappointment for Courtney who has pretty much tanked in all of his major roles. It looked like he was going to be able to really nail this character, but the movie just doesn’t give him any time to show off what he could do.

If even you hadn’t presented a salient point, I’m ungreying you for your name alone.

“In an attempt to prove that he could never kill the original Captain America, Miles heads to Washington D.C....”

Yep, fuck JoJo and its fanbase.

The biggest loser in this matchup is grammar.

That’s a pretty safe bet since you can’t prove a negative.

I don’t share your offensive humor. So Sioux me.

Thank you very much! Have an awesome night!

Ha! The TSA is the personification of a bad joke in and of itself, amirite? Hello? Is this thing on?

The real nightmare is having Netflix beaming directly into your eybeall 24/7 and you still cant find anything good to watch....

“But what about when there were no tall buildings for me to swing from?”

As a Minnesotan who’s into RPGs I’m use to my state being a complete afterthought in any backstory or informational section about the USA in a given setting. The bar is currently set to “Just don’t confuse us with Iowa maybe?”

I didn’t spend any coins on the Halloween event because I figured I’d wait to get a Sombra Legendary. In the mean time through playing casually I had built up 2000 coins.

Sombra’s never going to be as effective a flanker as Genji or Tracer, is the thing. Barring buffs, of course. Her damage is too low to consistently get eliminations and none of her abilities really have direct combat applications beyond running away. She makes up for this by being able to deny health packs to enemies

HOLD IT. This makes absolutely no sense from the perspective of their fictional world.

I perform surprisingly little asskicking.

Ohh, look at the big shot ever here, with their fancy “matches” and whatnot.

Well put. It’s good to see Kotaku and you issuing a statement like this, it means a lot in the way of reassurance to me. Love to those of you in America, from your sister abroad. I will be doing my part in the fight against the rise of the politics Trump espouses, and I hope you do the same, dear reader.