Salt and Bees

Wait that wheel costs $800? My boyfriend has one of those things and now I hate it even more.

I was watching cable yesterday and stumbled upon an Overwatch tournament being aired on the Disney channel. I think they’re thinking in terms beyond just twitch.

This sounds super interesting, I’ll have to pick it up! Always glad to see smaller titles like this being spotlight.

Took me a minute to realize you meant actual guitars, not rock band plastic ones. The idea of someone’s wife nagging them for wasting their Guitar Hero talents was kind of charming.

I’m finally going to lose my skyrim virginity tonight.

This reminds me of the whole Amy Player saga from years ago. Sociopaths exist everywhere but when they target fandom the results are particularly absurd. The difference between “this seemingly normal person told massive lies in order to manipulate those around them” and “this person dressed as Legolas told massive

I thought all you kotakus were based in New York, so this was cute and surprising article. I watched from Oregon City and it was stunning. A friend went down to madras to watch and has done nothing but complain about traffic. I don’t think she’s even mentioned the eclipse itself.

My brother had Beavis and Butthead on genesis and I remember always feeling so anxious and ill when I’d watch him play it. Specifically the fast food level where you were deep frying rats.

I had a really similar relationship with my older brother but he passed away when I was 16. I remember my dad coming home with his things and being so crestfallen when he said he’d just given my brothers n64 and snes away to his roommates. I still get kinda torn up when I think about it.

Man kotaku’s coverage of this game has been exhaustingly thorough.

Life in Aggro has so much going for it, the characters are cute, the art is vibrant, the author seems genuinely likeable- but their panel layout is so incoherent it drives me insane. What is even happening in this comic? What direction do I read it in? Why is the arrow striking them shown last? I understand the joke

Fun fact: after snorting all sorts of crazy things in my early 20s, as a sober adult I found out I had a fungus growing in my sinuses that was likely introduced via insufflation. I had to have emergency surgical debriedment done, as my doctors were terrified the fungal infection could spread into my brain, spinal

Take your star and go!

I grew up in a town called Battle Ground and that’s all I can think of when I hear hat title...

This makes me so grateful that I had a solid group of female nerd friends from middle school on. We all just gamed together. If anything I actively avoided friendships with boys because their foreignness was just anxiety inducing. When my friends started dating guys in high school and trying to bring them into our

A comfortable guard is around $20-$30 in the dental section of rite aid or Walmart or Safeway etc. I know you can also get a big bulky sports mouth guard for 99¢ in most target/Walmart type stores. Those are in the aisle with the bike helmets and shin guards. I chewed through 3 of them before springing for the

Half of me is horrified but the other half is just “This thing could actually make my life a lot easier........ fuk”

No joke, I have an esports mouth guard. Dentist pointed out I’d started grinding a crazy amount. I realized when I got a headset that added my mic to the mix that I would start literally gnashing and grinding madly whenever I got worked up playing. My teeth would ache after an hour of playing. Solution was a mouth

She isn’t suppressing anything though? (Nor is she representing anything/anyone in an official context?) Her series was an examination and critique, not an imposition of new rules. Any studios she spoke at were at their own request, and it’s still up to those studios whether or not they’ll even consider the things she

I was in high school when WoW started blowing up. Worked at GameStop when the lich king expansion was released. I never once even tried the thing. I know myself and was all too aware I’d become obsessed after the first hit. I had friends begging me to just try to it, customers offering me guild invitations and help