Salt and Bees

You sound like a fun dad :)

What a sad conclusion :( I hope his brother is doing better now

I clicked that link and it just took me to a page saying “thanks for voting for Horace! Share your Horace support on twitter and Facebook!”

“No one is taking away his Twitter,” senior Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn told USA Today in November. “He’s his own man.”

I used to do iPhone support and would constantly get teased by my coworkers for how gullible/trusting I was. “It was so weird, I had a customer who’d already restarted twice before they called but when we did it, it finally worked!” “ know they were lying, right?” “No way man, no one would lie to us! We’re just

As someone who didn’t lose the weight until after high school, please just let chubby girls have this one. calm down, think about the fact that finding a larger girl in any media (who isn’t a punchline or a villain) that you can identify with is such a rarity. A character that looks like you and isn’t a mom?? a fat

These are great but there’s something off about his female sculpts. Their weight distribution and posing feels sort of uncanny? I can’t tell if it’s the hips or the legs but something isn’t lining up right.

“The inconvenience of being sued by our shareholders is worse than a few babies dying.”

D-did the app make mafia III white? Or was the source image just really bright?

She looks like she’s 13 years old for fucks sake

I dunno, an attack widow on the first push, just to get a pick or two then switch, can be instrumental in pulling the rug out from the enemy team but it’s so conditional. Hanamura, Anubis, Gibraltar can work fine with her on attack, but you gotta switch off pretty quickly to take advantage of any value you’ve added.

(Incoming whiny rabble:)

If they would just buff his shield somehow (shorter cooldown? More health?) I would be happy. As is, it’s about as effective as throwing a sheet over your team every two minutes and hoping the wind doesn’t blow it away.

My brain melded your icon with your comment and I’m suddenly dying for a boulder spin off where he’s just a dorky dad trying his best

Has it been said what caused them to switch directors? Obviously Nomura was taking his sweet time and getting little done but he’s sort of been known for that.

Sounds pretty molf

My man has an older pair and they’re great when they work. It has this awful glitch where the battery light goes orange randomly and it’s stops accepting any input from the buttons on the headset itself. Hope you had it loud enough because you can’t change that now, the volume wheel does nothing. The game/voice rocker

Oh god the worst is Anubis. Once they stash 3 shield gen in that hiding spot behind the point your only hope is to throw a dva ult back there and hope your team can make the most of your kamikaze. Heaven help you if they use their photon barrier and a single shield gen survives.

Wasn’t there a woman who got fired from Nintendo as a result of an online harassment campaign? And (love her or hate her) Anita Sarkeesian is constantly being threatened and harassed as well. That guy who made No Man’s Sky got some death threats after release... he’ll, Jason wrote an article about the vitriol he

Don’t most stores have a shrinkwrap machine in the back? When I worked at EB years ago, we’d always unwrap one new copy to have an empty display box on the floor. That’s what we sold when we were down to the last copy of a new game, we just grabbed the disc and reinsert it into the display box. A lot of customers see