
Well that sucks. Is there a forthcoming Lifehacker article on the best Evernote alternatives? The 2 device limit kills this for me. I can't be mad at a company for trying to make money, but I sure wish they'd try something to keep the free tier a bit more viable. I loathe monthly costs.

Humility - the default assumption that you aren’t necessarily aware of all the facts and factors, and that another perspective may allow better insight than your own does.

They should do a list weighted by how many sold vs. how many stolen.

I would argue that Mint is not secure. And having your bank login information in more than one place is even less secure.

Starred this especially for the Ally Bank reference. The interest rate (for a savings account) is phenomenal and with no debit card it becomes a great way to set aside money without the temptation of dipping into the pot.

Not enough booze.

Time Bandits meet Mandelbrot!

This may seem surprisingly simple, but you have to want it. Like really want it, more than life itself. I've watched many very bright people drop out of Ph.D. programs and leave with their M.S. and happily go off to a good job. What kept me going was the feeling that somehow my life wasn't going to be complete

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CGP Grey: things you think you know but don't really know why.

"But most people only use 20% of what any Office program is capable of."