
If they ever put together the total number of words written about Gerard fucking Deulofeu and make a book out of it, it would be 98% Billy and 2% wire hits on where he’s been loaned to this year.

Tom Brady: somehow the one white guy on the Pats who *can’t* catch a pass

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

That rat will never be able to afford a home at this rate.

Millennial rats are killing pizza.

Oh come on, nobody believes you’ve got friends.

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

Tax reform is really hard to accomplish. Tax cuts on the rich is really, really easy.

You could say he was............

You had to know it was coming, so:

It is kind of stupid that 6 teams play at once.

At this rate they should be outscoring opponents 28-3 soon.

Jose Mourinho is indeed a fantastic manager. ManU may be good, even excellent. But this is the first time I’ve ever heard someone describe watching a Jose Mourinho coached team as being fun.

“The prospect needs to show he wants a job by giving Phil a reason to stay awake.” - Albert Breer, MMQB

I am desperately hoping that this Warriors White House visit ends up just being a photo op of Trump and Zaza Pachulia with the rest of the team boycotting.

He rolls to Philly.

Why the outrage over this? I can certainly see it being true that the boards are less dense and have more “give” than ice, so it doesn’t seem unreasonable that violently slamming into the boards vs. the ice causes less traumatic injuries. He didn’t say that it was impossible to suffer an injury going into the

Oh, you said the last two movies. My bad.