
The Phoenix Suns move to Seattle ... where there is no sun

This is the correct take.

Can someone explain why head-to-head record is not the first tiebreaker instead of a single random game that messes with your rotation heading in the playoffs?

It’s a heart rate monitor. It also makes him feel pretty.

The poor guy had to spend 6 full seasons playing for Sacramento and you want him to sign with Knicks out of a sense of noblesse oblige? Let’s give the guy a break.

Bullet header

A 4th spot they almost lost to a disinterested, dysfunctional Chelsea team.

I will fight you. Blood pudding is delicious.

If he were butt, the Sun would’ve played him 40 minutes a game

Mega Level Bin

Neither does bloody mary mix

I think you’re spot on. The substitutes and tactical shifts were a masterstroke and swung the game. Remarkable considering the injuries to Juventus.

It seems to vary widely by league. In Serie A, it seems to happen once or more a game, but decisions are rarely overturned. In MLS, there were way fewer reviews and almost all of them overturned the decision.

Why does people assume the process is going to get better, smoother, and quicker? Modern NFL replay has had 20 years with basically no discernible improvement except you can watch the ref make the wrong call in high-definition. The decisions remain subjective based on interpretation of the rules

Nothing he could do this season would be worth jeopardizing playing in the World Cup this year. Get the surgery, sit on your butt, get fit for the summer.

This is different from typical rugby how?

The best case scenario is Tom Brady gets injured (nothing serious, just enough that he can’t play the rest of the game) and Hoyer leads the Pats to victory, prompting “Do the Patriots Need Tom Brady?” takes and eroding the team from within. Eagles fans are humiliated and Brady gets an asterisk next to this ring.

Jet Set Radio Future

I would like to see him stay or move to Bayern to develop further. He’s so young that I think having some stability in his surroundings is important and the recent trend suggests that players have more success moving to the EPL in their mid-20s instead of going as teens. Thinking of De Bruyne and Salah in particular.

Zaha was at the heart of everything good for Crystal Palace last year and showing he can do it consistently. He doesn’t deserve to be in a relegation battle every year.