
You can file that along with the multiple “Liverpool Are Going to Contend This Year” articles.

Masterful first-touch ball from the Barca- I mean PSG man. Sorry Billy.

No death odds for Sansa?

Not Abad pitch in the end

The issue is that those multi All-Stars seemingly fall to pieces on defense when LeBron is off the floor, which is why he’s playing 40 minutes a game in the playoffs.

And the stakes of their last two games were....?

He clearly flopped

Rats off to ya!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t the Dodgers have some of the worst fans in baseball? Maybe not a reason to ding the team but Dodger Stadium is outright hostile to visiting fans. A couple nearly beat a man to death in the parking lot. Not very charming.

Dishonest commenters again listening to what Donald Trump says and not reporting what he means. What he MEANS is that the media hasn’t released enough propaganda to make us terrified of the threat of terrorism to the point where we accept him as our supreme dictator. Get it straight!

I got very frustrated working for a non-profit social service provider watching all of our resources go towards private fundraising and grant writing. It’s also the only way any of our programs survived while everyone who counted on government funding got decimated in budget battles. It has definitely reached the

Agreed. I know Toews was injured, but Panarin, Anisimov, and Hossa have all been better this season. Would have loved to see Hossa get in on lifetime achievement grounds and his penchant for overtime winners.

Not surprised they’re throwing Romo out there. Gotta preserve the guy with the best postseason record on the team.

I love the new emerging consciousness around the hidden unemployment rate now that someone conservative whites actually listen to acknowledges it as a problem. Hopefully they’ll make the connection that conservative state governments have been undermining programs that alleviate poverty and return people to the

That’s what the tweet says but watch the video. It’s either “This guy bumps into me like ‘what’s up.’ Where I’m from we unload the clip...” or “This guy bumps into me like ‘what’s up, where I’m from we unload the clip...’” It’s hard to tell but I think Norman is making the threat.

I have similar misgivings, but I would note a couple differences. If McCrory was looking for a simple recount, that would be one thing. Instead he and the GOP are singling out black voters and organizations specifically. If the accusations are true then so be it, but if not then it’s a disgusting attempt to overturn

I’ve been waiting for someone to write this article. Baez has been sensational and his back story is heartwrenching. He has been this postseason what Arrieta was last postseason. They both made baseball feel magical.

Now playing

Not a highlight video, but the only Hossa video that matters:

Stories about the curses always come off as patronizing. I would much rather read 20 articles about Baez’s highlight reel of insane tags.