
His lawyer is even trying to get him off on this one too!

I’ll tell you what the fuck is happening. The Bulls, who have the 2nd shittiest front office and the worst coach in the entire league, slid into the playoffs because the Nets decided to just give it to us, and God, that sick son of a bitch, is enacting his will to make the Bulls look like a competent team. All it’s

Good boy.

This move just confirms the already widely held suspicion that Manchester United is a stepping stone for the Chicago Fire.

“Bad for a while” undersells the Fire. They’ve been dead last in the league for two straight seasons, and have been patently boring while doing so. The stadium in Bridgeview is a lesson in bad public funding schemes on par with the NHL’s Coyotes in Glendale. The debt on the park has sunk the suburb so badly that, a

I hope Leicester get relegated


My feeling is that they want to make this.

Cards Nation is going to have a tough year, since they have to boycott their new center fielder and Anheuser-Busch.

Even their booing of Goodell is tainted. Everyone else hates him because of bullshit like punishing weed worse than domestic violence, covering up CTE, or arbitrary bullshit like punishing players for celebrating or wearing the wrong shoes.

Toews is great but he should not be here. Panarin got dicked over.

Damn, playing only 1 game in 2018. Sounds rough.

It’s too late...he already has an acolyte.

Two Dots

I hope everybody truthering Randolph’s effort after the block gets hit by a fucking asteroid.

The old sex boys of the slippery surface are at it again. Here they come, oiled chests caked with flour and whole grains, stumbling across the frozen ice toward the scoring area where the goal knight trembles within his painted armor. All the while the fans in attendance, women and men alike, are jackhammering their

What a butthead.

That man looks cold.. We should get him a blanket

Let’s not forget the intentional walk of Jason heyward who has been really bad this year. Thanks Dave!